

CompreFace JavaScript SDK

CompreFace JavaScript SDK makes face recognition into your application even easier.

Table of content


Before using our SDK make sure you have installed CompreFace and Nodejs on your machine.

  1. CompreFace (See below compatibility matrix)
  2. Nodejs (Version 10+)

CompreFace compatibility matrix

CompreFace JS SDK versionCompreFace 0.4.xCompreFace 0.5.xCompreFace 0.6.xCompreFace 1.0.x



To add CompreFace JS SDK to your project, run the following command in the project folder:

npm i @exadel/compreface-js-sdk



To start using JavaScript SDK you need to import CompreFace object from 'compreface-js-sdk' dependency.

Then you need to init it with url and port. By default, if you run CompreFace on your local machine, it's http://localhost and 8000 respectively. You can pass optional options object when creating CompreFace to set default parameters, see reference for more information.

After you initialized CompreFace object you need to init the service object with the api key of your face service. You can use this service object to recognize faces.

However, before recognizing you need first to add faces into the face collection. To do this, get the face collection object from the service object.

import { CompreFace } from 'compreface-js-sdk';

let api_key = "your_key";
let url = "http://localhost";
let port = 8000;

let compreFace = new CompreFace(url, port); // set CompreFace url and port 
let recognitionService = compreFace.initFaceRecognitionService(api_key); // initialize service
let faceCollection = recognitionService.getFaceCollection(); // use face collection to fill it with known faces
let subjects = recognitionService.getSubjects(); // use subjects object to work with subjects directely

Adding faces into a face collection

Here is JavaScript code example that shows how to add an image to your face collection from your file system:

let path_to_image = "../images/boy.jpg";
let name = encodeURIComponent('Tom');

faceCollection.add(path_to_image, name)
    .then(response => {
        // your code
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem in uploading image ${error}`)


This code snippet shows how to recognize unknown face:

let path_to_image = "../images/team.jpg";

    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem with recognizing image ${error}`)


NOTE: We provide 3 ways of uploading image to our SDK. They are url, blob and relative path (from local machine).

Enviromentsfrom URLwith Blob formatfrom local machine

Webcam demo

Documentation is here


CompreFace Global Object

Global CompreFace Object is used for initializing connection to CompreFace and setting default values for options. Default values will be used in every service method if applicable. If the option’s value is set in the global object and passed as a function argument then the function argument value will be used.


new CompreFace(server, port, options)

urlstringrequiredURL with protocol where CompreFace is located. E.g. http://localhost
portstringrequiredCompreFace port. E.g. 8000
optionsobjectoptionalDefault values for face recognition services

Possible options:

det_prob_thresholdstringminimum required confidence that a recognized face is actually a face. Value is between 0.0 and 1.0
limitintegermaximum number of faces on the image to be recognized. It recognizes the biggest faces first. Value of 0 represents no limit. Default value: 0
prediction_countintegermaximum number of subject predictions per face. It returns the most similar subjects. Default value: 1
face_pluginsstringcomma-separated slugs of face plugins. If empty, no additional information is returned. Learn more
statusbooleanif true includes system information like execution_time and plugin_version fields. Default value is false


let server = "http://localhost";
let port = 8000;
let options = {
  limit: 0, 
  det_prob_threshold: 0.8, 
  prediction_count: 1,
  face_plugins: "calculator,age,gender,landmarks",
  status: "true"

let compreFace = new CompreFace(server, port, options);


  1. compreFace.initFaceRecognitionService(api_key)

Inits face recognition service object.

api_keystringrequiredFace Recognition Api Key in UUID format


let recognitionService = compreFace.initFaceRecognitionService(api_key);
  1. compreFace.initFaceDetectionService(api_key)

Inits face detection service object.

api_keystringrequiredFace Detection Api Key in UUID format


let detectionService = compreFace.initFaceDetectionService(api_key);
  1. compreFace.initFaceVerificationService(api_key)

Inits face verification service object.

api_keystringrequiredFace Verification Api Key in UUID format


let verificationService = compreFace.initFaceVerificationService(api_key);

Recognition Service

Face recognition service is used for face identification. This means that you first need to upload known faces to face collection and then recognize unknown faces among them. When you upload an unknown face, the service returns the most similar faces to it. Also, face recognition service supports verify endpoint to check if this person from face collection is the correct one. For more information, see CompreFace page.

Recognize Faces from a Given Image

recognitionService.recognize(image_location, options)

Recognizes all faces from the image. The first argument is the image location, it could be a URL or a path on the local machine.

image_locationstringrequiredURL, image in BLOB format or image from your local machine
optionsstringoptionalObject that defines recognition options

Supported options:

det_prob_thresholdstringminimum required confidence that a recognized face is actually a face. Value is between 0.0 and 1.0
limitintegermaximum number of faces on the image to be recognized. It recognizes the biggest faces first. Value of 0 represents no limit. Default value: 0
prediction_countobjectmaximum number of subject predictions per face. It returns the most similar subjects. Default value: 1
face_pluginsstringcomma-separated slugs of face plugins. If empty, no additional information is returned. Learn more
statusbooleanif true includes system information like execution_time and plugin_version fields. Default value is false


 "result" : [ {
   "age" : {
     "probability": 0.9308982491493225,
     "high": 32,
     "low": 25
   "gender" : {
     "probability": 0.9898611307144165,
     "value": "female"
   "mask" : {
     "probability": 0.9999470710754395,
     "value": "without_mask"
   "embedding" : [ 9.424854069948196E-4, "...", -0.011415496468544006 ],
   "box" : {
     "probability" : 1.0,
     "x_max" : 1420,
     "y_max" : 1368,
     "x_min" : 548,
     "y_min" : 295
   "landmarks" : [ [ 814, 713 ], [ 1104, 829 ], [ 832, 937 ], [ 704, 1030 ], [ 1017, 1133 ] ],
   "subjects" : [ {
     "similarity" : 0.97858,
     "subject" : "subject1"
   } ],
   "execution_time" : {
     "age" : 28.0,
     "gender" : 26.0,
     "detector" : 117.0,
     "calculator" : 45.0,
     "mask": 36.0
 } ],
 "plugins_versions" : {
   "age" : "agegender.AgeDetector",
   "gender" : "agegender.GenderDetector",
   "detector" : "facenet.FaceDetector",
   "calculator" : "facenet.Calculator",
   "mask": "facemask.MaskDetector"
ageobjectdetected age range. Return only if age plugin is enabled
genderobjectdetected gender. Return only if gender plugin is enabled
maskobjectdetected mask. Return only if face mask plugin is enabled.
embeddingarrayface embeddings. Return only if calculator plugin is enabled
boxobjectlist of parameters of the bounding box for this face
probabilityfloatprobability that a found face is actually a face
x_max, y_max, x_min, y_minintegercoordinates of the frame containing the face
landmarksarraylist of the coordinates of the frame containing the face-landmarks. Return only if landmarks plugin is enabled
subjectslistlist of similar subjects with size of <prediction_count> order by similarity
similarityfloatsimilarity that on that image predicted person
subjectstringname of the subject in Face Collection
execution_timeobjectexecution time of all plugins
plugins_versionsobjectcontains information about plugin versions


let image_location = "../images/team.jpg";
let options = {
    limit: 0,
    det_prob_threshold: 0.8,
    prediction_count: 1,
    face_plugins: "calculator,age,gender,landmarks",
    status: "true"

recognitionService.recognize(image_location, options)
    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem with recognizing image ${error}`)

Get Face Collection


Returns Face collection object

Face collection could be used to manage known faces, e.g. add, list, or delete them.

Face recognition is performed for the saved known faces in face collection, so before using the recognize method you need to save at least one face into the face collection.

More information about face collection and managing examples here


Add an Example of a Subject

faceCollection.add(image_location, subject, options)

Adds an image to your face collection.

image_locationstringrequiredURL, image in BLOB format or image from your local machine
subjectstringrequiredName or any other person ID. It can be just a random string you generate and save for further identification
optionsstringoptionalObject that defines adding options

Supported options:

det_prob_thresholdstringminimum required confidence that a recognized face is actually a face. Value is between 0.0 and 1.0


 "image_id": "string",
 "subject": "string"
image_idstringID of the saved image
subjectstringName or any other person ID


let image_location = "../images/boy.jpg";
let name = encodeURIComponent('Tom');
let options = {
    det_prob_threshold: 0.8

faceCollection.add(image_location, name, options)
    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem in uploading image ${error}`)

List of All Saved Examples of the Subject


Retrieve a list of images saved in a Face Collection


  "faces": [
      "image_id": "string",
      "subject": "string"
image_idstringID of the saved image
subjectstringName or any other person ID


    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem: ${error}`)

Delete All Examples of the Subject by Name


Removes image(s) according to their given subject.

subjectstringoptionalName or any other person ID. If empty deletes all images in the face collection


    "deleted": <count>
deletedintegerNumber of deleted faces


let subject = "Tom";

    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem ${error}`)

Delete an Example of the Subject by ID


Remove image from face collection.

image_idstringrequiredID of the saved image


 "image_id": "string",
 "subject": "string"
image_idstringID of the deleted image
subjectstringName or any other person ID


let image_id = "79ed78d8-f015-4947-b297-a24306ebbdad";

    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem ${error}`)

Delete Multiple Examples


Remove images from face collection.

image_idsstring[]requiredIDs of the saved images to delete


 "image_id": "string",
 "subject": "string"
image_idstringID of the deleted image
subjectstringName or any other person ID


let image_id = "79ed78d8-f015-4947-b297-a24306ebbdad";

    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem ${error}`)

Verify Faces from a Given Image

faceCollection.verify(image_path, image_id, options)

Compares similarities of given image with image from your face collection.

image_locationstringrequiredURL, image in BLOB format or image from your local machine
optionsstringoptionalObject that defines recognition options

Supported options:

det_prob_thresholdstringminimum required confidence that a recognized face is actually a face. Value is between 0.0 and 1.0
limitintegermaximum number of faces on the image to be recognized. It recognizes the biggest faces first. Value of 0 represents no limit. Default value: 0
prediction_countobjectmaximum number of subject predictions per face. It returns the most similar subjects. Default value: 1
face_pluginsstringcomma-separated slugs of face plugins. If empty, no additional information is returned. Learn more
statusbooleanif true includes system information like execution_time and plugin_version fields. Default value is false


  "result" : [ {
    "age" : {
      "probability": 0.9308982491493225,
      "high": 32,
      "low": 25
    "gender" : {
      "probability": 0.9898611307144165,
      "value": "female"
    "mask" : {
      "probability": 0.9999470710754395,
      "value": "without_mask"
    "embedding" : [ 9.424854069948196E-4, "...", -0.011415496468544006 ],
    "box" : {
      "probability" : 1.0,
      "x_max" : 1420,
      "y_max" : 1368,
      "x_min" : 548,
      "y_min" : 295
    "landmarks" : [ [ 814, 713 ], [ 1104, 829 ], [ 832, 937 ], [ 704, 1030 ], [ 1017, 1133 ] ],
    "subjects" : [ {
      "similarity" : 0.97858,
      "subject" : "subject1"
    } ],
    "execution_time" : {
      "age" : 28.0,
      "gender" : 26.0,
      "detector" : 117.0,
      "calculator" : 45.0,
      "mask": 36.0
  } ],
  "plugins_versions" : {
    "age" : "agegender.AgeDetector",
    "gender" : "agegender.GenderDetector",
    "detector" : "facenet.FaceDetector",
    "calculator" : "facenet.Calculator",
    "mask": "facemask.MaskDetector"
ageobjectdetected age range. Return only if age plugin is enabled
genderobjectdetected gender. Return only if gender plugin is enabled
maskobjectdetected mask. Return only if face mask plugin is enabled.
embeddingarrayface embeddings. Return only if calculator plugin is enabled
boxobjectlist of parameters of the bounding box for this face
probabilityfloatprobability that a found face is actually a face
x_max, y_max, x_min, y_minintegercoordinates of the frame containing the face
landmarksarraylist of the coordinates of the frame containing the face-landmarks. Return only if landmarks plugin is enabled
similarityfloatsimilarity that on that image predicted person
execution_timeobjectexecution time of all plugins
plugins_versionsobjectcontains information about plugin versions
let image_location = "../images/team.jpg";
let image_id = "79ed78d8-f015-4947-b297-a24306ebbdad";
let options = {
    limit: 0,
    det_prob_threshold: 0.8,
    prediction_count: 1,
    face_plugins: "calculator,age,gender,landmarks,mask",
    status: "true"

faceCollection.verify(image_location, image_id, options)
    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem with verifying image ${error}`)

Get Subjects


Returns subjects object

Subjects object allows working with subjects directly (not via subject examples).

More information about subjects here

let subjects = recognitionService.getSubjects(); 


Add a Subject

Create a new subject in Face Collection.

subjectstringrequiredis the name of the subject. It can be any string


  "subject": "subject1"
subjectstringis the name of the subject
let subjects = recognitionService.getSubjects();

List Subjects

Returns all subject related to Face Collection.



  "subjects": [
subjectsarraythe list of subjects in Face Collection
let subjects = recognitionService.getSubjects();

Rename a Subject

Rename existing subject. If a new subject name already exists, subjects are merged - all faces from the old subject name are reassigned to the subject with the new name, old subject removed.

subjects.rename(subject, new_name)
subjectstringrequiredis the name of the subject that will be updated
new_namestringrequiredis the name of the subject. It can be any string


  "updated": "true|false"
updatedbooleanfailed or success
let subjects = recognitionService.getSubjects();
subjects.rename("John", "Jane");

Delete a Subject

Delete existing subject and all saved faces.

subjectstringrequiredis the name of the subject.


  "subject": "subject1"
subjectstringis the name of the subject
let subjects = recognitionService.getSubjects();

Delete All Subjects

Delete all existing subjects and all saved faces.



  "deleted": "<count>"
deletedintegernumber of deleted subjects
let subjects = recognitionService.getSubjects();

Face Detection Service

Face detection service is used for detecting faces in the image.



detectionService.detect(image_location, options)

Finds all faces on the image. The first argument is the image location, it could be a URL or a path on the local machine.

image_locationstringrequiredURL, image in BLOB format or image from your local machine
optionsstringoptionalObject that defines detection options

Supported options:

det_prob_thresholdstringminimum required confidence that a recognized face is actually a face. Value is between 0.0 and 1.0
limitintegermaximum number of faces on the image to be recognized. It recognizes the biggest faces first. Value of 0 represents no limit. Default value: 0
face_pluginsstringcomma-separated slugs of face plugins. If empty, no additional information is returned. Learn more
statusbooleanif true includes system information like execution_time and plugin_version fields. Default value is false


  "result" : [ {
    "age" : {
      "probability": 0.9308982491493225,
      "high": 32,
      "low": 25
    "gender" : {
      "probability": 0.9898611307144165,
      "value": "female"
    "mask" : {
      "probability": 0.9999470710754395,
      "value": "without_mask"
    "embedding" : [ -0.03027934394776821, "...", -0.05117142200469971 ],
    "box" : {
      "probability" : 0.9987509250640869,
      "x_max" : 376,
      "y_max" : 479,
      "x_min" : 68,
      "y_min" : 77
    "landmarks" : [ [ 156, 245 ], [ 277, 253 ], [ 202, 311 ], [ 148, 358 ], [ 274, 365 ] ],
    "execution_time" : {
      "age" : 30.0,
      "gender" : 26.0,
      "detector" : 130.0,
      "calculator" : 49.0,
      "mask": 36.0
  } ],
  "plugins_versions" : {
    "age" : "agegender.AgeDetector",
    "gender" : "agegender.GenderDetector",
    "detector" : "facenet.FaceDetector",
    "calculator" : "facenet.Calculator",
    "mask": "facemask.MaskDetector"
ageobjectdetected age range. Return only if age plugin is enabled
genderobjectdetected gender. Return only if gender plugin is enabled
maskobjectdetected mask. Return only if face mask plugin is enabled.
embeddingarrayface embeddings. Return only if calculator plugin is enabled
boxobjectlist of parameters of the bounding box for this face (on processedImage)
probabilityfloatprobability that a found face is actually a face (on processedImage)
x_max, y_max, x_min, y_minintegercoordinates of the frame containing the face (on processedImage)
landmarksarraylist of the coordinates of the frame containing the face-landmarks. Return only if landmarks plugin is enabled
execution_timeobjectexecution time of all plugins
plugins_versionsobjectcontains information about plugin versions


let image_location = "../images/team.jpg";
let options = {
    limit: 0,
    det_prob_threshold: 0.8,
    face_plugins: "calculator,age,gender,landmarks",
    status: "true"

detectionService.detect(image_location, options)
    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem with recognizing image ${error}`)

Face Verification Service

Face verification service is used for comparing two images. A source image should contain only one face which will be compared to all faces on the target image.



verificationService.verify(source_image_location, target_image_location, options)

Compares two images provided in arguments. Source image should contain only one face, it will be compared to all faces in the target image. The first two arguments are the image location, it could be a URL or a path on the local machine.

source_image_locationstringrequiredURL, source image in BLOB format or source image from your local machine
target_image_locationstringrequiredURL, target image in BLOB format or target image from your local machine
optionsstringoptionalObject that defines detection options

Supported options:

det_prob_thresholdstringminimum required confidence that a recognized face is actually a face. Value is between 0.0 and 1.0
limitintegermaximum number of faces on the image to be recognized. It recognizes the biggest faces first. Value of 0 represents no limit. Default value: 0
face_pluginsstringcomma-separated slugs of face plugins. If empty, no additional information is returned. Learn more
statusbooleanif true includes system information like execution_time and plugin_version fields. Default value is false


  "result" : [{
    "source_image_face" : {
      "age" : {
        "probability": 0.9308982491493225,
        "high": 32,
        "low": 25
      "gender" : {
        "probability": 0.9898611307144165,
        "value": "female"
      "mask" : {
        "probability": 0.9999470710754395,
        "value": "without_mask"
      "embedding" : [ -0.0010271212086081505, "...", -0.008746841922402382 ],
      "box" : {
        "probability" : 0.9997453093528748,
        "x_max" : 205,
        "y_max" : 167,
        "x_min" : 48,
        "y_min" : 0
      "landmarks" : [ [ 92, 44 ], [ 130, 68 ], [ 71, 76 ], [ 60, 104 ], [ 95, 125 ] ],
      "execution_time" : {
        "age" : 85.0,
        "gender" : 51.0,
        "detector" : 67.0,
        "calculator" : 116.0,
        "mask": 36.0
    "face_matches": [
        "age" : {
          "probability": 0.9308982491493225,
          "high": 32,
          "low": 25
        "gender" : {
          "probability": 0.9898611307144165,
          "value": "female"
        "mask" : {
          "probability": 0.9999470710754395,
          "value": "without_mask"
        "embedding" : [ -0.049007344990968704, "...", -0.01753818802535534 ],
        "box" : {
          "probability" : 0.99975,
          "x_max" : 308,
          "y_max" : 180,
          "x_min" : 235,
          "y_min" : 98
        "landmarks" : [ [ 260, 129 ], [ 273, 127 ], [ 258, 136 ], [ 257, 150 ], [ 269, 148 ] ],
        "similarity" : 0.97858,
        "execution_time" : {
          "age" : 59.0,
          "gender" : 30.0,
          "detector" : 177.0,
          "calculator" : 70.0,
          "mask": 36.0
    "plugins_versions" : {
      "age" : "agegender.AgeDetector",
      "gender" : "agegender.GenderDetector",
      "detector" : "facenet.FaceDetector",
      "calculator" : "facenet.Calculator",
      "mask": "facemask.MaskDetector"
source_image_faceobjectadditional info about source image face
face_matchesarrayresult of face verification
ageobjectdetected age range. Return only if age plugin is enabled
genderobjectdetected gender. Return only if gender plugin is enabled
maskobjectdetected mask. Return only if face mask plugin is enabled.
embeddingarrayface embeddings. Return only if calculator plugin is enabled
boxobjectlist of parameters of the bounding box for this face
probabilityfloatprobability that a found face is actually a face
x_max, y_max, x_min, y_minintegercoordinates of the frame containing the face
landmarksarraylist of the coordinates of the frame containing the face-landmarks. Return only if landmarks plugin is enabled
similarityfloatsimilarity between this face and the face on the source image
execution_timeobjectexecution time of all plugins
plugins_versionsobjectcontains information about plugin versions


let source_image_location = "../images/boy.jpg";
let target_image_location = "../images/team.jpg";
let options = {
    limit: 0,
    det_prob_threshold: 0.8,
    face_plugins: "calculator,age,gender,landmarks",
    status: "true"

verificationService.verify(source_image_location, target_image_location, options)
    .then(response => {
    .catch(error => {
        console.log(`Oops! There is problem with recognizing image ${error}`)


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Report Bugs

Please report any bugs here.

If you are reporting a bug, please specify:

Submit Feedback

The best way to send us feedback is to file an issue at https://github.com/exadel-inc/compreface-javascript-sdk/issues.

If you are proposing a feature, please:

License info

CompreFace JS SDK is open-source facial recognition SDK released under the Apache 2.0 license.