Geohash encoding and decoding for Elixir.
Note: This project doesn't receive many updates mainly because its API is fairly small. I'm still actively maintaining it.
Ordering of longitude and latitude
Every function in Geohax
use the longitude,latitude
ordering; make sure not to invert these!
Both Redis and PostGIS use this same ordering, but if you feel strongly about that and would prefer to use latitude,longitude
instead, you can simply create a new module that does this for you:
defmodule MyGeohash do
def decode(geohash) do
{lon, lat} = Geohax.decode(geohash)
{lat, lon}
def encode(latitude, longitude, precision \\ 12),
do: Geohax.encode(longitude, latitude, precision)
defdelegate neighbor(geohash, direction), to: Geohax
defdelegate neighbors(geohash), to: Geohax
defdelegate within(min, max, precision \\ 5), to: Geohax
Encoding and decoding
iex> Geohax.encode(-132.83, -38.1033, 6)
iex> Geohax.decode("311x1r")
{-132.83, -38.1033}
Note that the format for coordinates is {longitude, latitude}
Finding neighbors
iex> Geohax.neighbors("311x1r")
%{north: "311x32", south: "311x1q", east: "311x1x", west: "311x1p"}
iex> Geohax.neighbor("311x1r", :north)
Calculating geoashes within an envelope
iex> Geohax.within({52.291725, 16.731831}, {52.508736, 17.071703})
["u37ck", "u37cm", "u37cq", "u37cr", "u3k12", "u3k13", "u3k16", "u3k17", "u3k1k", "u37cs", "u37ct", "u37cw", "u37cx", "u3k18", "u3k19", "u3k1d", "u3k1e", "u3k1s", "u37cu", "u37cv", "u37cy", "u37cz", "u3k1b", "u3k1c", "u3k1f", "u3k1g", "u3k1u", "u37fh", "u37fj", "u37fn", "u37fp", "u3k40", "u3k41", "u3k44", "u3k45", "u3k4h", "u37fk", "u37fm", "u37fq", "u37fr", "u3k42", "u3k43", "u3k46", "u3k47", "u3k4k", "u37fs", "u37ft", "u37fw", "u37fx", "u3k48", "u3k49", "u3k4d", "u3k4e", "u3k4s"]
Add the :geohax
dependency to your mix.exs
defp deps do
[{:geohax, "~> 1.0"}]
Then, run mix deps.get
to fetch the new dependency.