

Many HMM libraries for bioinformatics focus on inference tasks, such as likelihood calculation, parameter-fitting, and alignment. Machine Boss can do these things too, but it also introduces a set of operations for manipulation of the state machines themselves. The aim is to make it as easy to quick and easy to prototype automata-based experiments in bioinformatics as it is to prototype regular expressions. In fact, Machine Boss supports regular expression syntax---along with many other file formats and patterns.

Machine Boss allows you to manipulate state machines by concatenating, composing, intersecting, reverse complementing, Kleene-starring, and other such operations. Brief descriptions of these operations are included below. Any state machine resulting from such operations can be run through the usual inference algorithms too (Forward, Backward, Viterbi, EM, beam search, prefix search, and so on).

For example, a protein-to-DNA alignment algorithm like GeneWise can be thought of as the combination of four state machines accounting for the following effects:

  1. sequencing errors (e.g. substitutions)
  2. splicing of introns
  3. translation of DNA to protein
  4. mutation of the protein (e.g. using the BLOSUM62 substitution matrix with affine gaps)

With Machine Boss, each layer in this hierarchy can be separately designed, parameter-fitted, and (if necessary) refactored. Want to turn a global alignment algorithm into a local one? Just flank the model with some wildcard-emitters. Developed a model for a high-accuracy sequencing technology, and now you want to use it with a noisier sequencer? Just bolt on a different error model. Looking for a Shine-Dalgarno sequence upstream of a signal peptide? No problem, just concatenate the models. And so on.

Machine Boss can read HMMER profiles, write GraphViz dotfiles, and run GeneWise-style models. Its native format is a deliberately restricted (simple and validatable) JSON representation of a weighted finite-state transducer.


Please cite the following paper if you use Machine Boss:

Silvestre-Ryan, Wang, Sharma, Lin, Shen, Dider, and Holmes. Bioinformatics (2020). Machine Boss: Rapid Prototyping of Bioinformatic Automata.


Machine Boss can be compiled from C++ source, or installed via npm. For installation instructions see INSTALL.md.

Command-line interface

Machine Boss is most easily accessed through a command-line utility, boss, that makes many machine-building operations available through its command-line options - thereby defining a small expression language for building up automata.

A brief usage guide for this tool follows below.


Build a regex for an N-glycosylation binding site

PROSITE motif PS00001 has the pattern N-{P}-[ST]-{P}. The following command line saves a machine to PS00001.json that generates that motif (the final --eliminate simply optimizes the state space):

boss --generate-chars N \
 --concat --generate-one ACDEFGHIKLMNQRSTVWY \
 --concat --generate-one ST \
 --concat --generate-one ACDEFGHIKLMNQRSTVWY \
 --eliminate >PS00001.json

You can do this more compactly with the --aa-regex option, which parses regular expression syntax (also available are --dna-regex for DNA, --rna-regex for RNA, or --regex for general text)

boss --aa-regex '^N[^P][ST][^P]$' --transpose >PS00001.json

Note that the --aa-regex option (and the other regex options) construct recognizers rather than generators, by convention. (A recognizer is an input machine; a generator is an output machine.) You can convert a recognizer to a generator (and vice versa) by swapping the input and output labels, using --tranpose.

Search the N-glycosylation regex against a MinION read

This command takes the PS00001.json regex from the previous example, runs it through a reverse-translation machine (--preset translate), adds a self-loop with a dummy parameter (--count-copies n), flanks it with a null model (--generate-uniform-dna), and then uses the Forward-Backward algorithm to find the expected usage of the dummy parameter (--counts) when run against the output of a nanopore basecaller stored in a CSV file (see below for more info on the CSV file format)

boss --counts -v6 \
 --generate-uniform-dna \
 --concat \
  --begin \
   PS00001.json --preset translate --double-strand \
   --concat --generate-uniform-dna \
   --count-copies n \
  --end \
 --recognize-csv t/csv/nanopore_test.csv \
 --params data/Ecoli_codon.json

Note that this takes quite a long time! The log messages reveal that the bulk of the time is being taken by sorting the states. This may be optimized in future.

Encode binary data as non-repeating DNA

This example implements a DNA storage code very similar to that of Goldman et al.

To encode we use beam search (--beam-encode). We could also use prefix search, but beam search is generally much faster:

boss --preset bintern --preset terndna --input-chars 1010101 --beam-encode

Note that the encoder is a composite two-stage machine. First it converts base-2 binary to base-3 ternary, using the preset machine bintern; then it converts ternary to nonrepeating DNA, using the preset terndna. We could have done this in two steps:

boss --preset bintern --input-chars 1010101 --beam-encode
boss --preset terndna --input-chars 12022212 --beam-encode

The first step yields the output sequence 12022212; this is the input to the second step, which yields the output sequence CGATATGC. That is the same output we get when we use the composite two-stage machine (--preset bintern --preset terndna).

To decode we can use beam search too:

boss --preset bintern --preset terndna --output-chars CGATATGC --beam-decode

Base-call the output of a neural network run on an Oxford Nanopore MinION read

The file t/csv/nanopore_test.csv was generated by PoreOver. It describes a gapped profile: the five columns represent the probabilities of the four bases, plus a gap. With Machine Boss you can find the most likely sequence, summing over all alignments, and doing a beam search over sequences:

boss --recognize-csv t/csv/nanopore_test.csv --beam-decode

Manipulation of machines

JSON format for specifying state machines

Formally, a machine is defined to be a weighted finite-state transducer consisting of a tuple (Φ,Σ,Γ,ω) where

Using the Forward algorithm, one can calculate a sequence weight W(X,Y) for any input sequence X and output sequence Y. In this sense, the transducer may be viewed as an infinite-dimensional matrix, indexed by sequences: X is a row index, and Y a column index.

Machine Boss uses a JSON format for transducers that also allows ω to be constructed using algebraic functions of parameters (addition, multiplication, exponentiation, etc.) It further allows the specification of constraints on the parameters, which are used during model-fitting.

In Machine Boss, the start state is always the first state and the end state is always the last (single-state machines where the state is both start and end are allowed).

Special types of machine

TermImplication for W(X,Y)
Generator for set SZero unless X is the empty string and Y is a member of S (analogous to a row vector; if S contains only one element whose weight is 1, then it's like a unit vector)
Recognizer for set SZero unless X is a member of S and Y is the empty string (analogous to a column vector)
Identity for set SZero unless X=Y and X is a member of S

In general, "constraining the output of machine M to be equal to Y" is equivalent to "composing M with a unit-weight recognizer for Y". Similarly, "constraining the input of M to be equal to X" is equivalent to "composing a unit-weight generator for X with M".

Command-line syntax

The boss command does the following

For example, the following command creates an recognizer for any DNA sequence containing the subsequence ACGCGT:

boss --recognize-wild-dna --concat --recognize-chars ACGCGT --concat --recognize-wild-dna

This is equivalent to the regular expression /^[ACGT]*ACGCGT[ACGT]*$/.

Some of the operations specified as command-line arguments can be replaced by "opcodes" comprising one or two characters. For example, concatenation (--concat) can be abbreviated as a period, so that the above could be written as

boss --recognize-wild-dna . --recognize-chars ACGCGT . --recognize-wild-dna

If we use --generate instead of --recognize, replace wild-dna (every nucleotide has unit weight) with uniform-dna (every nucleotide has weight 1/4), specify an output sequence with --output-chars, then instead of a regular expression we have a probabilistically-normalized HMM. We can then specify the --loglike option to calculate the log-likelihood of a given output sequence:

boss --generate-uniform-dna . --generate-chars ACGCGT . --generate-uniform-dna --output-chars AAGCAACGCGTAATA --loglike

Compare this log-likelihood (-12.4766, or 18 bits) to the log-likelihood of the null model, which does not specify that the output must contain the motif ACGCGT

boss --generate-uniform-dna --output-chars AAGCAACGCGTAATA --loglike

This log-likelihood (-20.7944, or 30 bits) differs from the previous one by 12 bits; reflecting the information content of the 6-base motif.

The opcodes are listed in full by the command-line help (boss --help). Some of them may need to be quoted in order to prevent the Unix shell from interpreting them as special characters. For example, --begin and --end can be abbreviated (respectively) as opening and closing parentheses, ( and ), but these must be quoted or they will be intercepted by the shell.

An argument that is not an opcode will be interpreted as the filename of a JSON-format machine file.

If more than one machine is specified without any explicit operation to combine them, then composition (matrix multiplication) is implicit. So, for example, this

boss --preset translate --compose --preset dna2rna

is equivalent to this

boss --preset translate --preset dna2rna

Ways of constructing machines

The first column of this table shows options to the boss command, so e.g. the first example may be run by typing boss --generate-one ACGT

--generate-one ACGTA unit-weight generator for any one of the specified characters (here A, C, G or T). Similar to a regex character class
--generate-wild ACGTA unit-weight generator for any string made up of the specified characters (here A, C, G or T, i.e. it will output any DNA sequence). Similar to a regex wildcard
--generate-iid ACGTA generator for any string made up of the specified characters, with each character emission weighted (via parameters) to the respective character frequencies. Note that this is not a true probability distribution over output sequences, as no distribution is placed on the sequence length
--generate-uniform ACGTA generator for any string made up of the specified characters, with each character emission weighted uniformly by (1/alphabet size). Note that this is not a true probability distribution over output sequences, as no distribution is placed on the sequence length
--generate-uniform-dna, --generate-uniform-aa etc.Any of the above --generate-XXX forms may have -dna, -rna or -aa tacked on the end, in which case the alphabet does not need to be specified but is taken to be (respectively) ACGT, ACGU or ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY
--generate-chars AGATTCA unit-weight generator for the single string specified (which will be split into single-character symbols)
--generate-fasta FILENAME.fastaA unit-weight generator for a sequence of characters read from a FASTA-format file
--generate-csv FILENAME.csvA generator corresponding to a position-specific probability weight matrix stored in a CSV-format file, where the column titles in the first row correspond to output symbols (and a column with an empty title corresponds to gap characters in the weight matrix)
--generate-json FILENAME.jsonA generator for a sequence of symbols read from a Machine Boss JSON file
--regex REGEXA recognizer state machine for the corresponding regular expression. By default this will be a local regular expression; use the ^ and $ anchors to make it global.
--dna-regex REGEX, --rna-regex REGEX, --aa-regex REGEXA DNA, RNA, or protein regular expression. Practically, the only difference between this and --regex is that the wildcard character (.) is defined for the appropriate (upper-case) molecular residue alphabet, instead of ASCII text.
--hmmer HMMERFILE.hmmA generator corresponding to a HMMer-format profile HMM; or rather, to the version of this state machine used by hmmsearch for local alignment, which is quite different from the HMM described in the model file (it introduces local entry and exit probabilities calculated using an ad hoc formula). Note this still does not include HMMER's odds-ratio weighting (for which you need e.g. --weight-output 1/$pSwissProt% --params data/SwissProtComposition.json) or free flanking states (--flank-output-wild)
--hmmer-global HMMERFILE.hmmThis constructs the global alignment version of the profile HMM, which is what is actually described in the HMMER model file

For each of the --generate-XXX options, the --generate can be replaced with --recognize to construct the corresponding recognizer, or (in most cases) with --echo for the identity.

Preset machines

These example machines may be selected using the --preset keyword, e.g. boss --preset null

nullIdentity for the empty string
compdnaComplements DNA (but doesn't reverse it)
comprnaComplements RNA (but doesn't reverse it)
translateA machine that inputs amino acids and outputs codons (yes, this should probably be called "reverse translate")
prot2dnaA GeneWise-style model, finds a protein in DNA
psw2dnaAnother GeneWise-style model, allows substitutions & indels in the protein
dnapswA machine that implements probabilistic Smith-Waterman alignment for DNA
protpswA machine that implements probabilistic Smith-Waterman alignment for proteins
jukescantorA machine that implements the Jukes-Cantor (1969) substitution model for DNA
tkf91branchA machine that implements the Thorne-Kishino-Felsenstein (1991) indel model for DNA, with Jukes-Cantor as a substitution model
tkf91rootA machine that generates sequences from the equilibrium distribution of the Thorne-Kishino-Felsenstein indel model
binternA machine that converts binary digits (in groups of 3) into ternary digits (in group of 2). To handle situations where the input isn't a multiple of 3 bits in length, the machine also outputs an escape code at the end, with any dangling bits converted to ternary
terndnaA machine that converts a ternary sequence into a non-repeating DNA sequence. Composed with the bintern preset, this can be used to implement the DNA storage code of Goldman et al
tolowerA machine that converts text to lower case
toupperA machine that converts text to upper case
hamming31A machine that implements a Hamming (3,1) error correction code
hamming74A machine that implements a Hamming (7,4) error correction code

Operations transforming a single machine

Transposeboss m.json --transposeSwaps the inputs and outputsMatrix transposition
Silence inputsboss m.json --silence-inputClears all the input labelsSumming columns
Silence outputsboss m.json --silence-outputClears all the output labelsSumming rows
Copy inputs to outputsboss m.json --copy-input-to-outputSets the output labels equal to the input labelsMake diagonal matrix from column vector
Copy outputs to inputsboss m.json --copy-output-to-inputSets the input labels equal to the output labelsMake diagonal matrix from row vector
Make optional (?)boss m.json --zero-or-oneZero or one tours through m.jsonUnion with the empty-string identity. Like the ? in regexes
Form Kleene closure (+)boss m.json --kleene-plusOne or more tours through m.jsonLike the + in regexes
Form Kleene closure (*)boss m.json --kleene-starZero or more tours through m.jsonLike the * in regexes
Count copiesboss m.json --count-copies xLike Kleene closure (*), but introducing a dummy unit-weight parameter (in this case, x) which can be used to find posterior-expected estimates of the number of tours of m.json in the path
Take reciprocalboss m.json --reciprocalTake reciprocal of all transition weightsPointwise reciprocal
Repeatboss m.json --repeat 3Repeat m.json the specified number of timesFixed quantifiers in regexes
Reverseboss m.json --reverseReverse the machine
Reverse complementboss m.json --revcompAs you might expect
Symmetrize forward & reverse strandsboss m.json --double-strandTakes the union of a machine with its reverse complement
Normalizeboss m.json --joint-normNormalize transition weights, so that sum of outgoing weights from each state is 1Probabilistic normalization
Sortboss m.json --sortTopologically sort the transition graph
Eliminate redundant statesboss m.json --eliminateTry to eliminate unnecessary states and transitions

Operations combining two machines

Concatenateboss l.json --concat r.jsonCreates a combined machine that concatenates l.json's input with r.json's input, and similarly for their outputsString concatenation
Composeboss a.json --compose b.json or boss a.json b.jsonCreates a combined machine wherein every symbol output by a.json is processed as an input symbol of b.json.Matrix multiplication
Intersectboss a.json --intersect b.jsonCreates a combined machine wherein every input symbol processed by a.json is also processed as an input symbol by b.jsonPointwise product
Take unionboss a.json --union b.jsonCreates a combined machine consisting of a.json and b.json side-by-side; paths can go through one or the other, but not bothPointwise sum
Make loopboss a.json --loop b.jsonCreates a combined machine that allows one a, followed by any number of ba'sKleene closure with spacer

Combining operations

The above operations may be combined to form complex expressions specifying automata from the command line. The --begin and --end options may be used (rather like left- and right-parentheses) to delimit sub-expressions.

For example, the following composes the protpsw and translate presets, and flanks this composite machine with uniform-DNA generators, thereby constructing a machine that can be used to search DNA (the output) for local ORFs homologous to a query protein (the input):

boss --generate-uniform-dna \
 --concat --begin --preset protpsw --preset translate --end \
 --concat --generate-uniform-dna

JSON and C++ APIs

Most of the above operators for generating and manipulating machines are accessible directly via the C++ API, and can also be specified as JSON expressions within the model file.

Model generation scripts

For when the presets aren't enough, there are scripts in the js/ subdirectory that can generate some useful models.

Application of machines

By default, the machine resulting from any manipulation operations is printed to standard output as a JSON file (or as a GraphViz dot file, if --graphviz was specified). However, there are several inference operations that can be performed on data instead.

Specifying data

There are several ways to specify input and output sequences.

--input-chars AGATTASpecify the input as a sequence of characters directly from the command line
--output-chars AGATTASpecify the output as a sequence of characters directly from the command line
--input-fasta FILENAME.fastaSpecify the input via a FASTA-format file
--output-fasta FILENAME.fastaSpecify the output via a FASTA-format file
--data SEQPAIRS.jsonSpecify pairs of input & output sequences via a JSON-format file

Dynamic programming algorithms

--loglikeForward algorithm
--trainBaum-Welch training, using generic optimizers from GSL
--viterbiViterbi score only
--alignViterbi alignment
--countsCalculates derivatives of the log-weight with respect to the logs of the parameters, a.k.a. the posterior expectations of the number of time each parameter is used
--beam-decodeUses beam search to find the most likely input for a given output. Beam width can be specified using --beam-width
--beam-encodeUses beam search to find the most likely output for a given input
--viterbi-decodeUses Viterbi algorithm to find the input sequence for most likely state path consistent with a given output
--viterbi-encodeUses Viterbi algorithm to find the output sequence for most likely state path consistent with a given input
--codegen DIRGenerate C++ or JavaScript code implementing the Forward algorithm

JSON schemas

Machine Boss defines JSON schemas for several data structures. Here are some examples of files that fit these schemas:

Help text

<pre><code> General options: -h [ --help ] display this help message -v [ --verbose ] arg (=2) verbosity level -d [ --debug ] arg log specified function -b [ --monochrome ] log in black & white Transducer construction: -l [ --load ] arg load machine from file -p [ --preset ] arg select preset (null, compdna, comprna, dnapsw, protpsw, translate, prot2dna, psw2dna, iupacdna, iupacaa, dna2rna, rna2dna, bintern, terndna, jukescantor, dnapswnbr, tkf91root, tkf91branch, tolower, toupper, hamming31, hamming74) -g [ --generate-chars ] arg generator for explicit character sequence '&lt;&lt;' --generate-one arg generator for any one of specified characters --generate-wild arg generator for Kleene closure over specified characters --generate-iid arg as --generate-wild, but followed by --weight-output '$p%' --generate-uniform arg as --generate-iid, but weights outputs by 1/(output alphabet size) --generate-fasta arg generator for FASTA-format sequence --generate-csv arg create generator from CSV file --generate-json arg sequence generator for JSON-format sequence -a [ --recognize-chars ] arg recognizer for explicit character sequence '&gt;&gt;' --recognize-one arg recognizer for any one of specified characters --recognize-wild arg recognizer for Kleene closure over specified characters --recognize-iid arg as --recognize-wild, but followed by --weight-input '$p%' --recognize-uniform arg as --recognize-iid, but weights outputs by 1/(input alphabet size) --recognize-fasta arg recognizer for FASTA-format sequence --recognize-csv arg create recognizer from CSV file --recognize-merge-csv arg create recognizer from CSV file, merging consecutively repeated characters as in Graves (2006) 'Connectionist Temporal Classification' --recognize-json arg sequence recognizer for JSON-format sequence --echo-one arg identity for any one of specified characters --echo-wild arg identity for Kleene closure over specified characters --echo-chars arg identity for explicit character sequence --echo-fasta arg identity for FASTA-format sequence --echo-json arg identity for JSON-format sequence -w [ --weight ] arg weighted null transition '#' -X [ --regex ] arg create text recognizer from regular expression -H [ --hmmer ] arg create generator from HMMER3 model file in local alignment mode --hmmer-global arg create generator from HMMER3 model file in global alignment mode -J [ --jphmm ] arg create jumping profile HMM generator from FASTA multiple alignment Postfix operators: -z [ --zero-or-one ] union with null '?' -k [ --kleene-star ] Kleene star '*' -K [ --kleene-plus ] Kleene plus '+' --count-copies arg Kleene star with dummy counting parameter --repeat arg repeat N times -e [ --reverse ] reverse -r [ --revcomp ] reverse-complement '~' --flank-input-wild add flanking delete states: partially match input --flank-output-wild add flanking insert states: partially match output --flank-either-wild add flanking insert or delete states: partially match either input or output at each end --flank-both-wild add flanking insert & delete states: partially match input and/or output --flank-input-geom arg like --flank-input-wild, but flanking input sequence is uniform IID with geometrically-distributed length, parameterized using specified expression --flank-output-geom arg like --flank-output-wild, but flanking output sequence is uniform IID with geometrically-distributed length, parameterized using specified expression --double-strand union of machine with its reverse complement -t [ --transpose ] transpose: swap input/output --downsample-size arg keep only specified proportion of transitions, discarding those with lowest posterior probability --downsample-prob arg keep only transitions above specified posterior probability threshold --downsample-path arg stochastically sample specified number of paths, discard unsampled transitions --downsample-frac arg sample paths until specified fraction of transitions covered --joint-norm normalize jointly (outgoing transition weights sum to 1) --cond-norm normalize conditionally (outgoing transition weights for each input symbol sum to 1) --sort topologically sort, eliminating silent cycles --sort-fast topologically sort, breaking silent cycles (faster than --sort, but destructive) --sort-cyclic topologically sort if possible, but preserve silent cycles --decode-sort topologically sort non-outputting transition graph --encode-sort topologically sort non-inputting transition graph --full-sort topologically sort entire transition graph, not just silent transitions -n [ --eliminate ] eliminate all silent transitions --eliminate-states eliminate all states whose only outgoing (or incoming) transition is silent --strip-names remove all state names. Some algorithms (e.g. composition of large transducers) are faster if states are unnamed --pad pad with "dummy" start & end states --reciprocal element-wise reciprocal: invert all weight expressions --weight-input arg multiply input weights by specified JSON expression (% expands to input symbol, # to input alphabet size) --weight-output arg multiply output weights by specified JSON expression (% expands to output symbol, # to output alphabet size) --weight-input-geom arg place geometric distribution with specified parameter over input length --weight-output-geom arg place geometric distribution with specified parameter over output length --silence-input silence inputs, converting a machine into a generator --silence-output silence outputs, converting a machine into a recognizer --copy-output-to-input copy outputs to inputs, converting a generator into an echo machine --copy-input-to-output copy inputs to outputs, converting a recognizer into an echo machine Infix operators: -m [ --compose ] compose, summing out silent cycles '=&gt;' --compose-fast compose, breaking silent cycles (faster, destructive) --compose-cyclic compose, leaving silent cycles -c [ --concatenate ] concatenate '.' -i [ --intersect ] intersect, summing out silent cycles '&&' --intersect-fast intersect, breaking silent cycles (faster, destructive) --intersect-cyclic intersect, leaving silent cycles -u [ --union ] union '||' -o [ --loop ] loop: x '?+' y = x(y.x)* -f [ --flank ] flank: y . x . y Miscellaneous: -B [ --begin ] left bracket '(' -E [ --end ] right bracket ')' Transducer application: -S [ --save ] arg save machine to file -G [ --graphviz ] write machine in Graphviz DOT format --stats show model statistics (#states, #transitions, #params) --evaluate evaluate all transition weights in final machine --define-exprs define and re-use repeated (sub)expressions, for compactness --show-params show unbound parameters in final machine -U [ --use-defaults ] use defaults (uniform distributions, unit rates) for unbound parameters; this option is implicit when training --name-states use state id, rather than number, to identify transition destinations -P [ --params ] arg load parameters (JSON) -F [ --functions ] arg load functions & constants (JSON) -N [ --constraints ] arg load normalization constraints (JSON) -D [ --data ] arg load sequence-pairs (JSON) -I [ --input-fasta ] arg load input sequence(s) from FASTA file --input-json arg load input sequence from JSON file --input-chars arg specify input character sequence explicitly -O [ --output-fasta ] arg load output sequence(s) from FASTA file --output-json arg load output sequence from JSON file --output-chars arg specify output character sequence explicitly -T [ --train ] Baum-Welch parameter fit -R [ --wiggle-room ] arg wiggle room (allowed departure from training alignment) -A [ --align ] Viterbi sequence alignment -V [ --viterbi ] Viterbi log-likelihood calculation -L [ --loglike ] Forward log-likelihood calculation -C [ --counts ] Forward-Backward counts (derivatives of log-likelihood with respect to logs of parameters) -Z [ --beam-decode ] find most likely input by beam search --beam-width arg number of sequences to track during beam search (default 100) --prefix-decode find most likely input by CTC prefix search --prefix-backtrack arg specify max backtracking length for CTC prefix search --viterbi-decode find most likely input by Viterbi traceback --cool-decode find most likely input by simulated annealing --mcmc-decode find most likely input by MCMC search --decode-steps arg simulated annealing steps per initial symbol -Y [ --beam-encode ] find most likely output by beam search --prefix-encode find most likely output by CTC prefix search --viterbi-encode find most likely output by Viterbi traceback --random-encode sample random output by stochastic prefix search --seed arg random number seed Parser-generator: --codegen arg generate parser code, save to specified directory --cpp64 generate C++ dynamic programming code (64-bit) --cpp32 generate C++ dynamic programming code (32-bit) --js generate JavaScript dynamic programming code --showcells include debugging output in generated code --compileviterbi compile Viterbi instead of Forward --inseq arg input sequence type (String, Intvec, Profile) --outseq arg output sequence type (String, Intvec, Profile) </code></pre>