


reMarkable service to automatically download daily newspaper/comic as your suspend screen. No cloud needed.


Install (Linux/OSX)

Connect the reMarkable via USB and make sure it has internet access. Login to the reMarkable with SSH and execute

wget -O - http://evidlo.github.io/remarkable_news/install.sh | sh /dev/stdin nyt

This will install and start the update service on the reMarkable. Every time you connect to WiFi, it will try to grab the latest front page from The New York Times. See below for more image sources.

By default, downloads are rate limited to once per hour (3600 s). This can be overriden by modifying /etc/systemd/system/renews.service

Install (Windows)

Install WSL, then follow the Linux/OSX instructions. This has not been tested.

Supported News/Comics Sources

<!-- - Wikipedia Picture of the Day - `make install_wikipotd` -->


On the reMarkable

journalctl --unit renews -f

Then disconnect and reconnect WiFi to trigger a download. remarkable_news will only download at a maximum of once per hour to avoid burdening the server.


See contributing.md