

Ever Traduora Platform

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⭐️ What is it?

Ever® Traduora - Open Translation Management Platform for teams.

Once you setup your project you can import and export your translations to various formats, work together with your team, instantly deliver translation updates over the air, and soon automatically translate your project via third-party integrations.

Traduora Product Screenshot

We want Traduora to become the home for managing your translation workflow, that's why we have made all of the core product open-source with the intention to grow a community and enable developers to build on top of it as a platform.

We are going to also use Traduora from our other open-source platforms (currently https://github.com/ever-co/ever-gauzy and https://github.com/ever-co/ever-demand). You are welcome to check more information about the platforms at our official website - https://ever.co.

✨ Features

For quick features review, please see our official docs screenshots page.

Short list of platform features:

For more information check out our official website traduora.co, or our docs at docs.traduora.co.

Any missing feature you'd like to see? File an issue with the feature request to let us know.

📄 Documentation

Please refer to our official Platform Documentation.

🚀 Try it out

Traduora can be run just about anywhere, check out our Quickstart for more info.

Also check out Traduora's Docker Hub page for pre-built images.

Configuration and Deployment

Please check out the configuration and deployment documents for more information on deploying Traduora.

🔗 Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions come up over and over again. Be sure to check out our FAQ first!

💌 Contact Us

🔐 Security

Security is very important to us. Ever® Traduora Platform follows good security practices, but 100% security cannot be guaranteed in any software! Ever® Traduora Platform is provided AS IS without any warranty. Use at your own risk! See more details in the LICENSE.

In a production setup, all client-side to server-side (backend, APIs) communications should be encrypted using HTTPS/SSL (REST APIs).

If you discover any issue regarding security, please disclose the information responsibly by sending an email to mailto:security@ever.co or on huntr and not by creating a GitHub issue.


Of course we'd like Traduora to be available in as many languages as possible. We're setting up a Traduora server for translating Traduora itself, check back soon for more details on how to contribute.


You can check our changelog for information about releases.

🛡️ License


FOSSA Status

Traduora was created by https://github.com/anthonynsimon (https://anthonynsimon.com) and contributors. In April 2021 it was moved to Ever company for future development.

™️ Trademarks

Ever® is a registered trademark of Ever Co. LTD.
Ever® Demand™, Ever® Gauzy™ and Ever® OpenSaaS™ are all trademarks of Ever Co. LTD. The trademarks may only be used with the written permission of Ever Co. LTD. and may not be used to promote or otherwise market competitive products or services.

All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.

🍺 Contribute

We think it's great that you'd like to contribute to Traduora.

💪 Thanks to our Contributors

See our contributors list in CONTRIBUTORS.md.
You can also view full list of our contributors tracked by Github.

<img src="https://contributors-img.web.app/image?repo=ever-co/ever-traduora" />

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