


A simple in memory and persistent Object cache for Android.

Carbonite Android Logo


Carbonite aims to deal with your data POJOs (JavaBeans folks anyone?) without boilerplate code, so you can forget about ORMs, SQLite, Cursors, ContentProviders, etc. for data that you already hold in Objects anyways, plus you want them evicted at some point therefore losing them is not really a big deal, yet you can control how that will happen.

Although it can be used as the only persistence solution on Android, it is not one of carbonite goals to do so, you should evaluate when traditional persistence solutions make more sense based on your problem.

Note: Carbonite is currently under first version development so API and stuff might change among versions.

Build Status

How does it work?

Carbonite keeps your POJOs in memory while transparently persisting them in background to storage, you can retrieve them later either from memory or loading them asynchronously/synchronously from storage. You can specify how and how long are them kept, for finer control you can provide your own implementations.

Current implementations vary, all of them are stale values prone if you do not use them properly.

TODO provide docs regarding current implementations and how to use them, etc.


  1. Include it in your project. To include carbonite in your Android project you can do it so in your dependecies: At this point only SNAPSHOT versions are available.


repositories {
  maven { url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/' }

dependencies {
   compile 'info.evelio:carbonite:0.1-SNAPSHOT'
  1. Build your carbonite instance:
  Carbonite.using(context) /* getApplicationContext() is used and not retained */
      .in(MEMORY) /* optional, default */
      .and(STORAGE) /* optional if you don't want to keep in memory */
      /* This can be replaced by just build() */
      .iLoveYou() /* Does nothing */
      .iKnow(); // calls build()
  1. Use it:


  YourPojo data = …
  carbonite.set("data", data); // will keep it in memory and async persist it to storage

You can also use memory and storage for a blocking way. #####get From memory:

  YourPojo stored = carbonite.memory("data", YourPojo.class);

From storage (blocking):

  YourPojo stored = carbonite.storage("data", YourPojo.class);

From memory (blocking) or storage (async):

  Future<YourPojo> future = carbonite.get("data", YourPojo.class);
  YourPojo stored = future.get();



This is a raw short term roadmap of features that I'd like to see in Carbonite:


Carbonite relies (yet totally optional) on the following awesome open source software:


Copyright 2013 Evelio Tarazona Cáceres <evelio@evelio.info>
Copyright 2013 Carbonite contributors <contributors@evelio.info>

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.