

Protocols for Decentralized Exchange

Note: This information is most likely out of date.

This is a list of protocols for peer-to-peer exchange of cryptographic assets. The architecture of these protocols can be quite different from one another. In some cases, they are built as smart contracts that anyone can use. In other cases, they are closed, but still implemented as smart contracts that are publicly verifiable and auditable. Other projects have chosen to create their own blockchain in order to build a protocol for exchange. The approach to liquidity varies as well. Some protocols, like Bancor, have built-in logic for counterparties to find each other. Other protocols, such as 0x, architected the protocol to allow for off-chain liquidity pools, meaning counterparty discovery happens off-chain.

For our purposes, DEX is short for Decentralized Exchange.

0xERC20 TokensEthereumLive on Ethereum mainnetOpen protocol. Generic exchange of ERC20 with off-chain relayers.
BancorERC20 TokensEthereumLive on Ethereum mainnetOpen protocol. On-chain exchange and pricing.
BisqAllBitcoinLiveGeneric exchange for cryptocurrencies.
BitsharesBitshares, Bitshares SmartCoins[3]BitsharesLive on Bitshares mainnetOpen protocol. Bitshares created a DEX on top of their blockchain. Other DEX's for Bitshares also exist.
BlocknetBitcoin based currenciesBlocknetLiveOpen protocol. The Block DX DEX is built on top of the open source Blocknet protocol utilising cross-chain atomic swaps and XRouter.
CDxTokenized (ERC20) credit default swapsEthereumUnder developmentOpen protocol. Built on top of the Dharma protocol.
CDXAllEthereum, Youdex SidechainProposedOpen protocol. Coin direct exchange, cross-chain atomic swap.
COMITAll[2]All[2]ProposedOpen protocol. Off-chain. Utilizes state channels & 3rd party liquidity providers.
CompoundERC20EthereumLive on Ethereum mainnetOpen protocol. Relies on centralized oracles. Partially centralized. Allows deposit and withdrawal from money markets.
CounterpartyBitcoin, Counterparty TokensBitcoinLive on Bitcoin mainnetOpen protocol. Counterparty extends Bitcoin by adding metadata to Bitcoin transactions.
DEALNEO Assets[6]NEOUnder developmentClosed protocol[6]. Implemented as smart contracts on the NEO blockchain.
DharmaERC20 Tokens, Dharma Debt TokenEthereumUnder developmentOpen protocol. Debt contracts.
DydxERC20 Tokens, Dydx Derivatives (Option, Short Sell)EthereumUnder developmentOpen protocol. Derivatives contracts, uses 0x.
EmoonERC20, ERC721EthereumLiveClosed protocol. Primarily catering to the cryptogaming space.
EnigmaAll[2]All[2]ProposedThe Engima team is working on many projects. A protocol for decentralized exchanged was proposed in one of their papers.
Exchange UnionAll[9]All[9]Under developmentOpen protocol. Off-chain payment/state channels using cross-chain atomic swaps. Decentralized order propagation.
Hydro ProtocolERC20 TokensEthereum, TRONLiveOpen protocol. Token exchange with off-chain orders and on-chain settlement, paired through an order matching engine.
KomodoAll [10]KomodoAlpha TestingOpen protocol. Leverages SPV cross chain atomic swaps[4][11].
Kyber NetworkERC20 TokensEthereumLive on Ethereum mainnetClosed protocol. Kyber is two things: a product for exchanging, and smart contracts used by that exchange. Only Kyber can use the contracts.
LendroidERC20 TokensEthereumUnder developmentOpen protocol. Margin Loans.
Loopring ProtocolERC20 Tokens, NEP5 TokensEthereum, NEOLive on Ethereum mainnet, NEO testnetOpen protocol. Off-chain ring-mining of two or more orders.
MARKET ProtocolDerivativesEthereumUnder developmentOpen protocol. Cross Chain and real world assets.
MelonERC20 Tokens, Melon Fund Shares[5]EthereumLive on Ethereum mainnetOpen protocol. A protocol for creating an investment fund that holds an arbitrary number of underlying ERC20 tokens.
OmiseGoAll[1]All[1]Under developmentOpen protocol. A blockchain with built-in support for decentralized exchange.
Raiden NetworkERC20 TokensEthereumUnder developmentOff-chain ERC20 token exchange. Similar to Lightning Network for Bitcoin.
RenERC20 Tokens, Ether, BitcoinEthereum, BitcoinUnder developmentOpen protocol. Trustless cross-chain atomic trading of Ether, ERC20 tokens and Bitcoin pairs
RippleXRP, Ripple Issued CurrenciesRippleLive on Ripple mainnetOpen protocol. Ripple has builtin transaction types such as Offer Create[8] that allow anyone to trustlessly exchange Ripple based assets.
SaturnERC20 Tokens, ERC223 TokensEthereumUnder developmentOpen protocol. The team building this already built a dex called Radex, that uses a closed protocol. Saturn is a generalization of Radex protocol.
SetERC20 Tokens, Set TokensEthereumUnder developmentOpen protocol. Token abstraction.
SnowglobeERC20 TokensEthereumUnder developmentOpen protocol. Shared order book and liquidity.
StellarStellar AssetsStellarLive on Stellar mainnetOpen protocol. The Stellar blockchain scripting language has builtins for decentralized exchange[7].
SwapERC20 TokensEthereumUnder developmentClosed protocol. Plans to become an open protocol.
TPLTBCTBCProof of concept
UniswapERC20 TokensEthereumLive on Ethereum mainnetOpen Protocol. Trades occur with pooled liquidity.
WandXERC20 Tokens, ERC20 Token BasketsEthereumUnder developmentClosed protocol.
WyvernNonfungible Ethereum assetsEthereumLive on Ethereum mainnetOpen protocol. Generic exchange of nonfungible Ethereum assets with off-chain orderbooks.

[1] The OmiseGo white paper claims “this high-performant distributed network enforces exchange across as-set classes, from fiat-backed issuers to fully decentralized blockchain tokens (ERC-20 style and native cryptocurrencies).”

[2] The Enigma Catalyst white paper proposes an architecture for cross-chain atomic swaps using layer 2 solutions (also known as state channels). As far as I can tell, this is not currently being developed by the Enigma team.

[3] Bitshares claims that you can trade collateralized SmartCoins on the Bitshares blockchain. Bitshares claims to hold the collateral for these SmartCoins.

[4] https://blog.komodoplatform.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-atomic-swaps-and-how-komodo-is-advancing-the-technology-cadaec50da7c

[5] Investors send funds to the "fund manager" and then receive a proportional number of the fund's shares in return.

[6] A company called Aphelion is developing this protocol in order to build their own DEX on top of it. I could not determine from the white paper if they are planning to open this protocol up to others or not. It is unclear from the whitepaper just how many assets this protocol will support.

[7] "Manage Offer" is an example of a function native to Stellar's scripting language https://www.stellar.org/developers/guides/concepts/list-of-operations.html#manage-offer

[8] https://developers.ripple.com/transaction-formats.html#offercreate

[9] This work-in-progress document outlines the use of payment/state channels with atomic swaps and the decentralized orderbook approach of Exchange Union. All chains with BIP 199 compatible payment channels can be supported directly, others need a HTLC atomic swap implementation via smart contracts or similar.

[10] https://docs.komodoplatform.com/barterDEX/list-of-all-coins-tradable.html

[11] https://docs.komodoplatform.com/whitepaper/chapter6.html