

Pioneer PRO DJ LINK client

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This go library provides an API to the Pioneer PRO DJ LINK network. Providing various interactions and event subscribing.

Massive thank you to @brunchboy for his work on dysentery.

import "go.evanpurkhiser.com/prolink"

Basic usage

network, err := prolink.Connect()
network.AutoConfigure(5 * time.Second)

dm := network.DeviceManager()
st := network.CDJStatusMonitor()

added := func(dev *prolink.Device) {
    fmt.Printf("Connected: %s\n", dev)

removed := func(dev *prolink.Device) {
    fmt.Printf("Disconected: %s\n", dev)

dm.OnDeviceAdded("", prolink.DeviceListenerFunc(added))
dm.OnDeviceRemoved("", prolink.DeviceListenerFunc(removed))

statusChange := func(status *prolink.CDJStatus) {
    // Status packets come every 300ms, or faster depending on what is
    // happening on the CDJ. Do something with them.



Limitations, bugs, and missing functionality