


(Blind jumP Core Engine)

This repository includes parts of the BlindJump C++ engine, hacked together with a Lua interpreter, with the intention of allowing people to make gameboy games without needing to write C++ code or to use a compiler. The lua API for BPCore uses the simple APIs of fantasy consoles, like Pico8 or Tic80, as a model. In fact, many of the commands, like spr() and btn(), are almost the same.

Disclaimer: My goal with this project was to enable people unfamiliar with systems programming languages to make GBA games. But because Lua is resource-intensive for the GBA, this library is only suitable for making relatively small minigames (see Examples). If you want to make something complex and resource-intensive, you will need to learn a lower level language. If you are already experienced with C++, check out https://github.com/GValiente/butano!


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For ease of use, the build.lua script allows you to create Gameboy Advance ROMs entirely with Lua: you only need a copy of the build.lua script, a copy of the BPCoreEngine.gba rom, and an installation of Lua 5.3!

But how does this actually work?

The build.lua script parses a user-defined manifest.lua file, which tells the build system which resources to include in the ROM. A manifest will look something like this:

local app = {
   name = "TestApplication",
   gamecode = "ABAB", -- Optional: set the game code in the rom header (four chars)
   makercode = "BC",  -- Optional: set the maker code in the rom header (two chars)

   tilesets = {

   spritesheets = {

   audio = {

   scripts = {

   misc = {

return app

build.lua then creates a ROM file, by copying the compiled code in the BPCoreEngine.gba ROM, and appending a new section to the ROM, containing all of the resource files. The engine, upon startup, loads the address of the end of the ROM (provided by the linker), and finds the resource bundle. BPCore then loads the main.lua script from the application bundle, and turns over control to Lua (more or less, the engine does still process interrupts).


Sprites and Tiles

The BPCore engine uses the Gameboy Advance's tile-based display mode. All sprites are 16x16 pixels in size, and all tiles are 8x8 pixels wide. The engine provides access to four tiles layers:

To load data from the a bundled file into VRAM, use the txtr() function, with one of the layer ids above. To load a spritesheet, you may also use the txtr() function, with layer id 4.

Function Reference

Button Presses


txtr(1, "tiles.bmp") -- load tilesheet into layer 1

p1, len1 = file("tiles.bmp")
p2, len2 = file("other.bmp")

txtr(1, p1, len1) -- swap texture from cached file location, slightly faster.
txtr(1, p2, len2)

txtr(1, file("tiles.bmp")) -- you can do this too, although not much reason to.


Entities share a lot in common with sprites, but with a few exceptions:

  1. Entities have hitboxes and support collision checking.
  2. The engine will automatically redraw entities for you (sprites will display in front of entities).

All entity setters generally return the input entity as a result, so you can write entpos(entspr(entity, 5), 1, 1), by chaining calls together. When called without additional arguments, the entity api functions act as getters (we want to provide getters, without using a bunch of gba memory by registering a duplicate set of functions).

entspr(entity, 5)                    -- set sprite id 5
entspr(entity, 10, true, false)      -- set sprite id with x-flip
local sprid, xflip, yflip = entspr(entity) -- retrieve sprite info
entpos(entity, 5, 4)    -- set entity position to 5,4
local x, y = entpos(entity)   -- retrieve entity x,y values.
entz(entity, 5)          -- set z order to 5
local z = entz(entity)   -- retrieve z order
entag(entity, 5000)      -- set entity tag to 5000
local t = entag(entity)  -- retrieve entity tag
e = ent()
entslots(e, 5)
entslot(e, 1, 22.1)
entslot(e, 1) -- 22.1
entslot(e, 0) -- fatal error!
entslot(e, 6) -- fatal error!


The engine offers a few different collision functions for entities:

RAM Read/Write

NOTE: Only _SRAM and _IRAM regions are writable (see Memory below).

ptr, len = file("main.lua")
print(memget(ptr, 10), 1, 1) -- print the first 10 chars of this very script.
print(string.char(peek(ptr + 3)), 1, 3) -- print the fourth byte of this file

Math Utilities


Program Structure

-- main.lua
local a = 5000
local b = 2000

-- lots of code...

poke4(_IRAM, a)
poke4(_IRAM + 4, b)


Serial I/O

You can use the engine's asynchronous I/O library to send data to another GBA device, using the GBA's multiplayer link mode. Currently, the engine only supports two connected devices, with plans to support four devices in the future.

BPCore's implementation of network I/O does not guarantee that messages will be received in-order, or even received at all. Each device maintains a 64-packet receive queue, as well as a 32-packet send queue. Overflowing either the send queue in the sender, or the receive queue in the receiver, will result in packet loss. That said, I've used this network implementation in several GBA games; Blind Jump, Skyland, etc., and I've never had any problems with packet loss. If you limit your send() calls to a few packets per frame, you will never see any message loss.

local pkt = recv()
while pkt do
   -- do something with pkt
   pkt = recv()

Advanced Serial I/O

Admittedly, packing/unpacking binary data from Lua strings can have a performance impact in tight loops. As of version, the engine includes two extra send/recv functions, send_iram() and recv_iram(), allowing you to read plain bytes out of the packets with peek() and poke():

Example: advanced serial I/O usage, sends coordinates back and forth between devices:

while not btnp(0) do
   -- wait on a button press, then connect

local x = 0
local y = 0
local ox = 0
local oy = 0

while true do

   poke4(_IRAM, x)
   poke4(_IRAM + 4, y)

   local got_msg = recv_iram(_IRAM)
   while got_msg do
      sender = peek(_IRAM) -- message originator
      ox = peek4(_IRAM + 1) -- x, y from other device
      oy = peek4(_IRAM + 5)
      got_msg = recv_iram(_IRAM)



Result table format (string keys, integer values)

   year = 21,
   month = 8,
   day = 12,
   hour = 11,
   minute = 6,
   second = 3

(Added in version 2021.9.12.1)

Reserved words

The function syscall, as well as the variable util, should be considered reserved for future use. Do not use these variable names, if you want to seamlessly migrate to new versions of the engine.


Memory Constraints

The Gameboy Advance has two memory sections: a small and fast internal work ram (IWRAM), and a much larger block of slightly slower external work ram (EWRAM). Most of the 32kB IWRAM is currently reserved for the engine, leaving 256kB for Lua code and data.

Memory Regions

In addition to the memory used for Lua code and data, the engine provides access to a few other memory regions within the gba hardware, accessible via peek(), peek4(), poke(), and poke4().


Example Projects

For a project template, see here

A tiny demo

-- play some music from a 16 kHz signed 8-bit pcm wave file
music("my_music.raw", 0)

-- Fade the screen while we load a texture and fill the tile layer.

-- Load tileset from tile0.bmp into VRAM for the tile0 layer (layer 2).
txtr(2, "tile0.bmp")

-- Fill the tile0 map with some tiles.
for i = 0, 63 do
   for j = 0, 63 do
      tile(2, i, j, 1)


-- Load texture for sprites into VRAM.
txtr(4, "spritesheet")

function main_loop(update, draw)
   while true do

local x = 0
local dir = 0

function update(dt)
   -- fade the screen based on button presses
   if btnp(6) then
   elseif btnnp(6) then

   -- move the character back and forth
   if dir == 0 then
      if x < 240 then
         x = x + 1
         dir = 1
      if x > 0 then
         x = x - 1
         dir = 0

function draw()
   -- draw a sprite for our character
   spr(15, x, 60)

-- Let's show how much ram we're using
print(tostring(collectgarbage("count") * 1024), 3, 5)

-- enter main loop
main_loop(update, draw)


Draw order

Calls to spr() will draw sprites with increasing depth (z-distance from the screen). Therefore, successive calls to spr() will place sprites behind previously drawn sprites. This may seem backwards at first, but we have a good reason for doing this. The Gameboy Advance only supports 128 sprites onscreen at a time. If you failed to properly keep track of your sprite count, and exceeded the limit, wouldn't you want the sprites further in the background to be hidden, rather than the nearer sprites?

System font default colors

The overlay tile layer shares graphics memory with the system font. If you load an overlay, and find that the colors of your text now display unpredictably, this is becuause the overlay text will always, by default, use the second and third colors to appear in an overlay tilesheet as the foreground and background color. To calibrate the color of the system text, place an 8x8 pixel tile (like the one pictured below) in index zero of any overlay texture. You may set the top gray band to any arbitrary color in your tileset. Change the middle white band to the color that you want to use for the foreground color of the system text. Set the bottom black band to the background color for the system text.

<p align="center"> <img src="index_tile.png"/> </p>

fade() and custom font colors

fade() does not apply to colored text, i.e. if you passed custom color hex values to the print() function. Supporting this would be practically unrealistic given the cpu frequency on a gameboy advance (we cannot realistically linearly interpolate between 256 arbitrary colors within a reasonable amount of time). Regular text, using the default overlay palette, can be faded.

Future Work

The BlindJump source code has tons of other features that I'd like to eventually add to the Lua API. In the future, I plan to add: