

RepoQA: Evaluating Long-Context Code Understanding

🏠 Homepage: https://evalplus.github.io/repoqa.html

🚀 Installation

# without vLLM (can run openai, anthropic, and huggingface backends)
pip install --upgrade repoqa
# To enable vLLM
pip install --upgrade "repoqa[vllm]"
<details><summary>⏬ Install nightly version <i>:: click to expand ::</i></summary> <div>
pip install --upgrade "git+https://github.com/evalplus/repoqa.git"                 # without vLLM
pip install --upgrade "repoqa[vllm] @ git+https://github.com/evalplus/repoqa@main" # with vLLM
</div> </details> <details><summary>⏬ Using RepoQA as a local repo? <i>:: click to expand ::</i></summary> <div>
git clone https://github.com/evalplus/repoqa.git
cd repoqa
pip install -r requirements.txt
</div> </details>

🏁 Search Needle Function (SNF)

Search Needle Function is the first and base RepoQA task which aims to practice LLMs' ability of long-context code understanding and retrieval. Its corresponding real-life scenario is to perform precise code search from function description.

<details><summary>🔎 More dataset details <i>:: click to expand ::</i></summary> <div>


SNF includes 500 tests (5 programming languages x 10 repos x 10 needle functions) where an LLM is given:

  1. A large code context sorted in file dependency
  2. A NL description of the needle function without revealing keywords like function names
  3. An instruction to retrieve the described function

The evaluator passes a test if the searched function is syntactically closest to the ground-truth compared against other functions (systematically parsed by treesitter) and the similarity is greater than a user defined threshold (by default 0.8).

</div> </details>

You can run the SNF evaluation using various backends:

OpenAI Compatible Servers

repoqa.search_needle_function --model "gpt4-turbo" --backend openai
# 💡 If you use openai API compatible server such as vLLM servers:
# repoqa.search_needle_function --base-url "http://localhost:[PORT]/v1" \
#                               --model "Qwen/CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat" --backend openai

Anthropic Compatible Servers

repoqa.search_needle_function --model "claude-3-haiku-20240307" --backend anthropic


repoqa.search_needle_function --model "Qwen/CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat" --backend vllm
<details><summary>🔎 Context extension for small-ctx models <i>:: click to expand ::</i></summary> <div>

There are two ways to unlock a model's context at inference time:

  1. Direct Extension: Edit max_positional_embedding of the model's config.json (e.g., hub/models--meta-llama--Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct/snapshots/[hash]/config.json) to something like 22528.
  2. Dynamic RoPE Scaling: To extend Meta-Llama-3-8B-Instruct from 8k to 32k (4x), edit the config.json:

"rope_scaling": {"type": "dynamic", "factor": 4.0}

Note: This works for vLLM <0.4.3 and HuggingFace transformers. RepoQA will automatically configure dynamic RoPE for vLLM >= 0.4.3

</div> </details>


Reference evaluation time:

HuggingFace transformers

repoqa.search_needle_function --model "Qwen/CodeQwen1.5-7B-Chat" --backend hf --trust-remote-code


Installing flash-attn and additionally set --attn-implementation "flash_attention_2" can largely lower the memory requirement.

<details><summary>🔨 Having trouble installing `flash-attn`? <i>:: click to expand ::</i></summary> <div>

If you have trouble with pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation, you can try to directly use pre-built wheels:

export FLASH_ATTN_VER=2.5.8 # check latest version at https://github.com/Dao-AILab/flash-attention/releases
export CUDA_VER="cu122"     # check available ones at https://github.com/Dao-AILab/flash-attention/releases
export TORCH_VER=$(python -c "import torch; print('.'.join(torch.__version__.split('.')[:2]))")
export PY_VER=$(python -c "import platform; print(''.join(platform.python_version().split('.')[:2]))")
export OS_ARCH=$(python -c "import platform; print(f'{platform.system().lower()}_{platform.machine()}')")

export WHEEL=flash_attn-${FLASH_ATTN_VER}+${CUDA_VER}torch${TORCH_VER}cxx11abiFALSE-cp${PY_VER}-cp${PY_VER}-${OS_ARCH}.whl
wget https://github.com/Dao-AILab/flash-attention/releases/download/v${FLASH_ATTN_VER}/${WHEEL}
pip install ${WHEEL}
</div> </details>

Google Generative AI API (Gemini)

repoqa.search_needle_function --model "gemini-1.5-pro-latest" --backend google

CLI Usage

Compute Scores

By default, the repoqa.search_needle_function command will evaluate model outputs and compute scores after text generation. However, you can also separately compute scores using the following command:

repoqa.compute_score --model-output-path={model-output}.jsonl


📚 Read More


  title = {RepoQA: Evaluating Long Context Code Understanding},
  author = {Liu, Jiawei and Tian, Jia Le and Daita, Vijay and Wei, Yuxiang and Ding, Yifeng and Wang, Yuhan Katherine and Yang, Jun and Zhang, Lingming},
  year = {2024},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.06025},