Slideshow System
Previously seen at:
- CSSConf Australia: "Newton Meets CSS"
- CSSConf Norway: "Raiders of the Lost Transforms"
- JSConf Argentina: "Parallax 101"
- JSConf Colombia: "Animar con código"
Dependencies (included in this repository):
- CSSS by Lea Verou
- deck.js by Caleb Troughton
- jQuery
- Chart.js
The ones available are the ones included on deck.js, which are pretty cool!
In the demo folder, you can see Lea Verou's files that will create the live-coding possibilities, you link these demos with an iframe on your main slides :)
Other stuff
- There's a class "incomplete" which you can add to any slide to finish it later (Lea Verou's idea)
- Time counter at the top, you need to indicate the duration of your talk in data-duration, in the body tag (Also, Lea Verou's)
Why haven't I shared this before?
Because... the code is a mess.
My work basically consisted on making those a salad.
Talks run on my machine and I make sure they do not need Internet connection; and sadly that leads to being messy with the making-of the talks because, after all, I care more about the content than the code quality.
So definitely, if you see anything that could be improved (yeah, almost everything), just help me with this repo and let's make this less-messy for everyone!