

Leveraging ETS Effectively

This repository contains sample code for the talk Leveraging ETS Effectively, presented at ElixirConf EU 2019 on 9 April 2019.

Running the Code

To run the code:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run mix deps.get
  3. Run iex -S mix
  4. Run one of the following Scenarios: <module>.run.


The Scenarios included in this repository are:

  1. Playground.Scenario.Agent

    Use an Agent which holds a Map with integer keys.


    • Bulk Load of count items
    • Concurrent Load of count items
    • Sequential Read of count items
    • Randomised Read of count items
    • Sequential Update of count items, incrementing the integer
  2. Playground.Scenario.ETS

    Use an ETS table.


    • Bulk Load of count items (in one go)
    • Concurrent Load of count items
    • Sequential Read of count items
    • Randomised Read of count items
    • Sequential Update Counter
    • Sequential Update Element
    • Sequential Lookup Element + Update Element
  3. Playground.Scenario.Data

    Read constants from Module.


    • Build Module with count items, based on List
    • Sequential Read of count items
    • Randomised Read of count items
    • Build Module with count items, based on Map
    • Sequential Read of count items
    • Randomised Read of count items
  4. Playground.Scenario.Counters.One

    Comparison of Counters in ETS vs Atomics


    • Sequentially update an ETS counter count times
    • Sequentially update an 1-arity atomics count times
    • Concurrently update an ETS counter count times
    • Concurrently update an 1-arity atomics count times
    • Concurrently get an ETS counter count times
    • Concurrently get an 1-arity atomics count times
  5. Playground.Scenario.Counters.Many

    Comparison of Counters in ETS vs Atomics


    • Sequentially update count ETS counters
    • Sequentially update a count-arity atomics
    • Concurrently update count ETS counters
    • Concurrently update a count-arity atomics
    • Concurrently get count ETS counters
    • Concurrently get count ETS counters again
    • Concurrently get count-arity atomics
    • Concurrently get count-arity atomics again
  6. Playground.Scenario.Counters.Many.Atomics.One

    Deeper Comparison of various Atomics access patterns


    • Sequentially update a count-arity atomics (sequential, ordered)
    • Sequentially update a count-arity atomics (sequential, randomised)
    • Concurrently update a count-arity atomics (concurrent, sequential, unordered tasks)
    • Concurrently update a count-arity atomics (concurrent, sequential, ordered tasks)
    • Concurrently update a count-arity atomics (concurrent, randomised, unordered tasks)
    • Concurrently update a count-arity atomics (concurrent, randomised, ordered tasks)
  7. Playground.Scenario.Counters.Many.Atomics.Many

    Deeper Comparison of various Atomics access patterns


    • Sequentially update count 1-arity atomics (sequential, ordered)
    • Sequentially update count 1-arity atomics (sequential, randomised)
    • Concurrently update count 1-arity atomics (concurrent, sequential, unordered tasks)
    • Concurrently update count 1-arity atomics (concurrent, sequential, ordered tasks)
    • Concurrently update count 1-arity atomics (concurrent, randomised, unordered tasks)
    • Concurrently update count 1-arity atomics (concurrent, randomised, ordered tasks)
  8. Playground.Scenario.Northwind

    ETS backed Ecto interactions with Northwind Database as an example.


    • List all Employees
    • Insert / Delete Employee
    • Ingestion from JSON file
    • Select with Bound ID
    • Where
    • Select Where
    • Select / Update
    • Assoc Traversal
    • Promote to Customer
    • Stream Employees
    • Order / Shipper / Orders Preloading

Licensing & Legal Matters

Contents of this repository is under MIT license, except that you are not to publish the ETS adapter under Playground.Repository to Hex. This is because I would like to do so in the near future.

This project contains a copy of data obtained from the Northwind database, which is owned by Microsoft. It is included for demonstration purposes only.


Special thanks to:


Further Reference Materials can be found within the Deck.