


This is an opensource tool to perform attacks to general voip services It allows to scans the whole network or single host to do the gathering phase, then it is able to search for most known vulnerabilities on the founds alive hosts and try to exploit them.

Install dependencies

To start using vsaudit you must install the 'bundler' package that will be used to install the requireds gem dependencies through the Gemfile.

Download directly from website:


Or install with 'gem' (ruby package manager) with:

deftcode ~ $ gem install bundler

After that the installation has been completed, run (in the directory where is located vsaudit):

deftcode vsaudit $ bundle

Now you can start vsaudit with:

deftcode vsaudit $ ruby vsaudit.rb

NOTE: If you get an error with gem, you need to install the ruby-dev and libssl-dev packages (kali-linux: apt install ruby-dev libssl-dev).

Environment commands

Audit commands

Informations commands

Global commands


vsaudit - scanner

vsaudit - enumeration

vsaudit - bruteforce

vsaudit - intercept
