


This prompt is not being actively developed any more. I switched to a prompt based on powerlevel9k. My powerlevel9k-config is saved in this gist. It needs to be loaded before the prompt itself. The powerlevel9k-prompt looks and feels very similar to the prompt of this repository, but it has some more features.


iggy is a super happy awesome Powerline-style, Git-aware prezto theme. Prezto and its git module are required to use this. Also, you need a powerline patched font. I recommend picking one of these:

I, myself, use Menlo-Powerline.



The status line is divided into many colored segments:

Also, you have the current date and time in the right prompt.

The arrowhead symbol in the second line is colored depending on the state:

If this arrowhead symbol points to the left, you entered the alternate mode (e.g. "normal mode" for vi key bindings).


Make sure, that your terminal is running with 256 colors support. Some terminals support setting this in their preferences, like iterm2 for OS X. The default terminal for Gnome, for example, has no such option. There, you need to set TERM=xterm-256color in your ~/.zshrc.

Simply copy the prompt_iggy_setup to ~/.zprezto/modules/prompt/functions/. Edit your ~/.zpreztorc changing

zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'your_current_theme'


zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'iggy'


In your ~/.zshrc, add


but pick your own username ;)

If you don't set this variable, the user@host segment is only displayed, if you are connected via SSH.