


Official implementation of Cross-Resolution Flow Propagation for Foveated Video Super-Resolution (CRFP) accepted by WACV 2023.

<img src="overview.png" width="600">


Demonstration how CRFP deal with various value of $\sigma^T$ representing the noise induced by the movement of eye tracker during pupil detection. Note that regions beyond the foveated region are resolved under $8\times$ super-resolution.


<img src="demo/sigma10.gif" width="600">


<img src="demo/sigma50.gif" width="600">


<img src="demo/sigma100.gif" width="600">

Training and evaluation

To train the model, you need to install DCN first from https://github.com/jinfagang/DCNv2_latest

Run the following to start training

bash train.sh

To evaluate, run

bash eval.sh

To test, run

bash test.sh


Most of the code is referenced from

  1. TTSR: https://github.com/researchmm/TTSR
  2. BasicVSR: https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmediting