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A reporter for karma-benchmark visualising results as plotly graphs.


npm install karma-benchmark-plotly-reporter

Setting up

After installing karma, karma-benchmark and your favorite launcher, in your karma.conf.js:

module.exports = function (config) {
    frameworks: ['benchmark'],
    reporters: ['benchmark-plotly'],

    files: ['bench.js'],
    browsers: ['Firefox'],

    // options for 'karma-benchmark-plotly-reporter'
    benchmarkPlotlyReporter: {
      username: 'plot.ly user name (required)',
      apiKey: 'plot.ly API key (required)'

then given this suite in bench.js:

suite('Array iteration', function () {
  benchmark('for-loop', function () {
    var arr = [1, 2, 3]
    var arr2 = []

    for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
      arr2.push(arr[i] + 1)

  benchmark('forEach', function () {
    var arr = [1, 2, 3]
    var arr2 = []

    arr.forEach(function (el) {
      arr2.push(el + 1)

we get

Example graph

See complete working examples for more details.


The benchmarkPlotlyReporter option container has five settings:


Required! Plotly cloud user name. Sign up for free at plot.ly.


Required! Plotly cloud API key. Copy it from plot.ly/settings/api.


Function that takes in the compiled results array and is expected to return an "data" / "layout" object filled with plotly options. For the complete list of available data and layout options, go to plot.ly/javascript/reference.

The compiled results are presented in the exact same way as for the karma-benchmark-json-reporter. See docs.

Default: see the default makeFigure function in ./make_figure.js.

If makeFigure returns an array of "data" / "layout" objects, then multiple graphs will be generated. See this example for more.


String or array of string (in the multiple graph case) corresponding to the file name by which the graph(s) will be saved on your plotly cloud account. Note that graphs of the same name will be overwritten.

If set to an empty string or another type, no graphs will be generated in the cloud. This is useful when only desiring an image representation.

Default: null


String or array of string (in the multiple graph case) corresponding to the file to the path(s) from the karma basePath where the image(s) will be saved.

As with cloudFilename, if set to an empty string or another type, no image will be generated This is useful when only desiring a graph on the cloud.

Default: null


2017 Étienne Tétreault-Pinard. MIT License

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