

Postmoogle Matrix

more about that name

An Email to Matrix bridge. 1 room = 1 mailbox.

Postmoogle is an actual SMTP server that allows you to send and receive emails on your matrix server. It can't be used with arbitrary email providers, because it acts as an actual email provider itself, so you can use it to send emails from your apps and scripts as well.





1. Bot (mandatory)

env vars

<details> <summary>other optional config parameters</summary>

You can find default values in config/defaults.go


2. DNS (highly recommended)

Follow the docs/dns


How to start

  1. Invite the bot into a room you want to use as mailbox
  2. Read the bot's introduction
  3. Set mailbox using !pm mailbox NAME where NAME is part of email (e.g. NAME@example.com)
  4. Done. Mailbox owner and other options will be set automatically when you configure mailbox. If you want to change them - check available options in the help message (!pm help)
<details> <summary>Full list of available commands</summary>

The following section is visible to all allowed users

mailbox ownership

The following section is visible to the mailbox owners only

mailbox options

The following section is visible to the mailbox owners only

mailbox security checks

The following section is visible to the mailbox owners only

mailbox anti-spam

The following section is visible to the mailbox owners only

server options

The following section is visible to the bridge admins only

server antispam

The following section is visible to the bridge admins only
