

Honoroit Matrix

more about that name

A helpdesk bot, used as part of etke.cc service.

The main idea of that bot is to give you the same abilities as with website chats (like Intercom, jivosite, etc) inside the matrix.


How it looks like

<details> <summary>Screenshots</summary>

Step 1: a matrix user (customer) sends a message to Honoroit bot in direct 1:1 chat

![step 1](contrib/screenshots/1.customer sends a message.png)

Step 2: a new thread created in the backoffice room

![step 2](contrib/screenshots/2.a new thread created in the backoffice room.png)

Step 3: operator(-s) chat with customer in that thread

![step 3](contrib/screenshots/3.operators chat with customer in that thread.png)

Step 4: customer sees that like a direct 1:1 chat with honoroit user

![step 4](contrib/screenshots/4.customer sees that like a direct 1:1 chat with honoroit user.png)

Step 5: operator closes the request

![step 5](contrib/screenshots/5.operator closes the request.png)

Step 6: customer receives special message and bot leaves the room

![step 6](contrib/screenshots/6.customer receives special message and bot leaves the room.png)




Available commands in the threads. Note that all commands should be called with prefix, so !ho done will work, but simple done will not.


env vars



honoroit internals


Optional 2-way sync with redmine

You can find default values in config/defaults.go