

MATLAB Tool for Multi-Objective Optimization

license - BSD language - MATLAB category - science status - maintained

This MATLAB tool offers different functionalities for multi-objective optimization:

Mathematically, the following optimization problems are solved:

This tool is developed by the Power Electronic Systems Laboratory at ETH Zurich and is available under the BSD License. The code is also available on the ETH Data Archive.


Look at the example run_example.m which generates the following results:

<p float="middle"> <img src="readme_img/input.png" width="400"> <img src="readme_img/output.png" width="400"> </p>

Adding Solvers

The code is made to take advantage of optimization methods using vectorized evaluation of the objective function. Therefore, it would be easy to add support for 'patternsearch', 'particleswarm', or 'paretosearch'. Adding support for non vectorized solvers ('fmincon', 'fminbnd', or 'fminsearch') is possible but less interesting.


