

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-vm/tree/master/packages/devp2p"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/47108/78554503-42c47000-77d9-11ea-8935-2d93981d50df.png" width="309"> </a> </p>


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This library bundles different components for lower-level peer-to-peer connection and message exchange:

The library is based on ethereumjs/node-devp2p as well as other sub-libraries (node-* named) (all outdated).


To build the dist/ directory, run:

npm run build

You can also use ts-node to run a script without first transpiling to js (you need to npm i --save-dev ts-node first):

node -r ts-node/register [YOUR_SCRIPT_TO_RUN.ts]


All components of this library are implemented as Node EventEmitter objects and make heavy use of the Node.js network stack.

You can react on events from the network like this:

dpt.on('peer:added', (peer) => {
  // Do something...

Basic example to connect to some bootstrap nodes and get basic peer info:

Communicate with peers to read new transaction and block information:

Run an example with:

DEBUG=devp2p:* node -r ts-node/register ./examples/peer-communication.ts

Distributed Peer Table (DPT) / Node Discovery

Maintain/manage a list of peers, see ./src/dpt/, also includes node discovery (./src/dpt/server.ts)


Create your peer table:

const dpt = new DPT(Buffer.from(PRIVATE_KEY, 'hex'), {
  endpoint: {
    address: '',
    udpPort: null,
    tcpPort: null

Add some bootstrap nodes (or some custom nodes with dpt.addPeer()):

dpt.bootstrap(bootnode).catch((err) => console.error('Something went wrong!'))


See the following diagram for a high level overview on the library.

DPT (extends EventEmitter)

Distributed Peer Table. Manages a Kademlia DHT K-bucket (Kbucket) for storing peer information and a BanList for keeping a list of bad peers. Server implements the node discovery (ping, pong, findNeighbours).

new DPT(privateKey, options)

Creates new DPT object

dpt.bootstrap(peer) (async)

Uses a peer as new bootstrap peer and calls findNeighbouts.

dpt.addPeer(object) (async)

Adds a new peer.

For other utility functions like getPeer, getPeers see ./src/dpt/dpt.ts.


Events emitted:

peer:addedPeer added to DHT bucket
peer:removedPeer removed from DHT bucket
peer:newNew peer added
listeningForwarded from server
closeForwarded from server
errorForwarded from server


RLPx Transport Protocol

Connect to a peer, organize the communication, see ./src/rlpx/


Instantiate an @ethereumjs/common instance with the network you want to connect to:

const common = new Common({ chain: 'mainnet' })

Create your RLPx object, e.g.:

const rlpx = new devp2p.RLPx(PRIVATE_KEY, {
  dpt: dpt,
  maxPeers: 25,
  capabilities: [devp2p.ETH.eth63, devp2p.ETH.eth62],
  common: common,
  listenPort: null,


RLPx (extends EventEmitter)

Manages the handshake (ECIES) and the handling of the peer communication (Peer).

new RLPx(privateKey, options)

Creates new RLPx object

rlpx.connect(peer) (async)

Manually connect to peer without DPT.

For other connection/utility functions like listen, getPeers see ./src/rlpx/rlpx.ts.


Events emitted:

peer:addedHandshake with peer successful
peer:removedDisconnected from peer
peer:errorError connecting to peer
listeningForwarded from server
closeForwarded from server
errorForwarded from server


Ethereum Wire Protocol (ETH)

Upper layer protocol for exchanging Ethereum network data like block headers or transactions with a node, see ./src/eth/.


Send the initial status message with sendStatus(), then wait for the corresponding status message to arrive to start the communication.

eth.once('status', () => {
  // Send an initial message

Wait for follow-up messages to arrive, send your responses.

eth.on('message', async (code, payload) => {
  if (code === devp2p.ETH.MESSAGE_CODES.NEW_BLOCK_HASHES) {
    // Do something with your new block hashes :-)

See the peer-communication.ts example for a more detailed use case.


ETH (extends EventEmitter)

Handles the different message types like NEW_BLOCK_HASHES or GET_NODE_DATA (see MESSAGE_CODES) for a complete list. Currently protocol versions PV62 and PV63 are supported.

new ETH(privateKey, options)

Normally not instantiated directly but created as a SubProtocol in the Peer object.


Send initial status message.

eth.sendMessage(code, payload)

Send initial status message.


Events emitted:

messageMessage received
statusStatus info received


Light Ethereum Subprotocol (LES)

Upper layer protocol used by light clients, see ./src/les/.


Send the initial status message with sendStatus(), then wait for the corresponding status message to arrive to start the communication.

les.once('status', () => {
  // Send an initial message

Wait for follow-up messages to arrive, send your responses.

les.on('message', async (code, payload) => {
  if (code === devp2p.LES.MESSAGE_CODES.BLOCK_HEADERS) {
    // Do something with your new block headers :-)

See the peer-communication-les.ts example for a more detailed use case.


LES (extends EventEmitter)

Handles the different message types like BLOCK_HEADERS or GET_PROOFS_V2 (see MESSAGE_CODES) for a complete list. Currently protocol version LES/2 running in client-mode is supported.

new LES(privateKey, options)

Normally not instantiated directly but created as a SubProtocol in the Peer object.


Send initial status message.

les.sendMessage(code, reqId, payload)

Send initial status message.


Events emitted:

messageMessage received
statusStatus info received



There are unit tests in the test/ directory which can be run with:

npm run test


This library uses debug debugging utility package.

For the debugging output to show up, set the DEBUG environment variable (e.g. in Linux/Mac OS: export DEBUG=*,-babel).

Use the DEBUG environment variable to active the logger output you are interested in, e.g.:

DEBUG=devp2p:dpt:*,devp2p:eth node -r ts-node/register [YOUR_SCRIPT_TO_RUN.ts]

For more verbose output on logging (e.g. to output the entire msg payload) use the verbose logger in addition:

DEBUG=devp2p:dpt:*,devp2p:eth,verbose node -r ts-node/register [YOUR_SCRIPT_TO_RUN.ts]

Exemplary logging output:

Add peer: Geth/v1.7.3-unstable-479aa61f/linux-amd64/go1.9 (eth63) (total: 2)
  devp2p:rlpx:peer Received body 01c110 +133ms
  devp2p:rlpx:peer Message code: 1 - 0 = 1 +0ms
  devp2p:rlpx refill connections.. queue size: 0, open slots: 20 +1ms
  devp2p:rlpx disconnect, reason: 16 +1ms
Remove peer: (peer disconnect, reason code: 16) (total: 1)


For a complete API reference see the generated documentation.


Diagram Updates

To update the structure diagram files in the root folder open the devp2p.drawio file in draw.io, make your changes, and open a PR with the updated files. Export svg and png with border width=20 and transparency=false. For png go to "Advanced" and select 300 DPI.

General References

Other Implementations

The following is a list of major implementations of the devp2p stack in other languages:

