

Whisper Chat Client Ðapp


Start an geth node and and the app using meteor and open http://localhost:3000 in your browser:

$ geth --rpccorsdomain "http://localhost:3000" --rpc --shh --unlock <your account>

Start your app using meteor

$ cd meteor-dapp-wallet/app
$ meteor

Go to http://localhost:3000


To create a build version of your app run:

// install meteor-build-client
$ npm install -g meteor-build-client

// bundle dapp
$ cd meteor-dapp-wallet/app
$ meteor-build-client ../build --path ""

This will generate the files in the ../build folder. Double click the index.html to start the app.

To make routing work properly you need to build it using:

$ meteor-build-client ../build

And start a local server which points with its document root into the ../build folder, so that you can open the app using http://localhost:80/

The Whisper chat app

The collections used are:

The web3 object is created in client/lib/thirdpartyConfig.js.

The whole whisper protocol integration can be found in the client/whisperConnection.js. Removing it won't break app, just cut the connection to whisper. Some helper functions for whisper can be found at client/lib/helpers/WhisperHelperFunctions.js.

This dapp uses the ethereum:elements package.

Protocol specs

The following specs need to be transfered as stringified JSON in the payload.

You can also send messages to a chatroom by simply providing the correct chatroom topic including the whisper-chat-client topic. The user will then appear as anonymous:

    "topic": ['whisper-chat-client', 'ethereum'],
    "payload": 'Hello world',
    "ttl": 100,
    "priority": 1000

Invite to a group chat

// Topics
    '0x34556456..' // the user to invite

// TO and FROM parameters
to: '0x34556456..' // the user to invite,
from: '0x12344...'

// Payload
    type: 'invite',
    chat: 'ethereum', // chat topic
    name: 'My Chatroom',
    from: {
        identity: '0x12344...', // the current user identity, if you set a from in the whisper `shh.post()` it will be used instead
        name: 'Mr. X'
    // the users invited
    data: [{
        identity: '0x345345345..',
        name: 'user x'
        identity: '0x67554345..',
        name: 'user y'

Invite to a private chat

// Topics
    '0x34556456..' // the user to invite

// TO and FROM parameters
to: '0x34556456..' // the user to invite,
from: '0x12344...' // required

// Payload
    type: 'invite',
    privateChat: true,
    from: {
        identity: '0x12344...', // the current user identity, if you set a from in the whisper `shh.post()` it will be used instead
        name: 'Mr. X'

Send message

// Topics
    'ethereum' // the chats topic or HEX user identity for private chats

// TO and FROM parameters
to: '0x34556456..' // only for private chats
from: '0x12344...'

// Payload
    type: 'message',
    id: '231rewf23', // the unique id of the message
    chat: 'ethereum', // the parent chats topic. For private chats the identity of the user
    topic: 'my topic', // the topic set for the chat, to filter chats with many participants. Has nothing to do with whisper topics
    timestamp: 145788999,
    from: {
        identity: '0x4324234..', // the current user identity, if you set a from in the whisper `shh.post()` it will be used instead
        name: 'my username'
    message: 'Hello its me!'

Edit message

Will only be allowed for messages which are less than 1 hour old.

// Topics
    'ethereum' // the chats topic or HEX user identity for private chats

// TO and FROM parameters
to: '0x34556456..' // only for private chats
from: '0x12344...'

// Payload
    type: 'edit',
    id: '231rewf23', // the unique id of the message
    chat: 'ethereum', // the parent chats topic. For private chats the identity of the user
    timestamp: 145788999,
    from: {
        identity: '0x4324234..', // the current user identity, if you set a from in the whisper `shh.post()` it will be used instead
        name: 'my username'
    topic: 'my new topic', // the changed topic
    message: 'my edited message' // the changed message


// Topics
    'ethereum' // the chats topic or HEX user identity for private chats

// TO and FROM parameters
to: '0x34556456..' // only for private chats
from: '0x12344...'

// Payload
    type: 'notification',
    message: 'invitation',
    id: '231rewf23', // the unique id of the message
    chat: 'ethereum', // the parent chats topic. For private chats the identity of the user
    timestamp: 145788999,
    from: {
        identity: Whisper.getIdentity().identity,
        name: Whisper.getIdentity().name
    data: 'some data, see below'

There are currently three types of notifications implemented: