


This image is a layer of minor customizations over Aurora, customized specifically for my (@ethanjli's) own personal requirements.

Lutho is the name of my Framework 13 AMD laptop which this lutho-os image is being maintained for. The name comes from a character in Ken Liu's silkpunk novel series The Dandelion Dynasty:

Lutho: patron of Haan; god of fishermen, divination, mathematics, and knowledge; his pawi is the sea turtle.


I use the ghcr.io/ethanjli/lutho-dx:39 image, e.g. with the following rpm-ostree commands:

rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/ethanjli/lutho-dx:39
rpm-ostree rebase ostree-image-signed:docker://ghcr.io/ethanjli/lutho-dx:39


This fork only makes minor additions to the aurora-dx image.

I try to do as much as possible in my dotfiles repo; this includes all KDE Plasma customizations and theming (which includes fonts!). This project is only run and tested with those dotfiles.

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