


my attempt to convert the Github Note Taker app to use Mobx...

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NOTE: this code no longer uses firebase and re-base

I am now using json-server to handle reading & writing notes:

npm install -g json-server

npm run notes
npm start

You can view the content of db.json in order to see the changes you are making to notes.


I took the Build Your First React.js App by Tyler McGinnis on egghead.io and decided to continue refining and refactoring the app that was created in that course. My initial thought was to convert it to Redux, but i found that a bit daunting since i was still trying to learn Redux. I found a reference to Mobx and after reading a little about it, i decided to try that approach first. This app is the result of that exploration.

Some of the features include:


I created another repo which contains the code required to deploy this app to heroku. You can find that here:


Some of it's features include:

The deployed app can be found here: egghead-mobx


babel-node devServer.js

json-server --watch db.json