

<p align="center"> <img alt="Raiders of the Lost Ark" src="docs/img/indiana.gif" height="140" /> <h3 align="center">k8s-image-swapper</h3> <p align="center">Mirror images into your own registry and swap image references automatically.</p> </p>

k8s-image-swapper is a mutating webhook for Kubernetes, downloading images into your own registry and pointing the images to that new location. It is an alternative to a docker pull-through proxy.

Amazon ECR and Google Container Registry are currently supported.

:zap: Benefits

Using k8s-image-swapper will improve the overall availability, reliability, durability and resiliency of your Kubernetes cluster by keeping 3rd-party images mirrored into your own registry.

k8s-image-swapper will transparently consolidate all images into a single registry without the need to adjust manifests therefore reducing the impact of external registry failures, rate limiting, network issues, change or removal of images while reducing data traffic and therefore cost.


:book: Documentation

A comprehensive guide on getting started and a list of configuration options can be found in the documentation.


:question: Community

You have questions, need support and or just want to talk about k8s-image-swapper?

Here are ways to get in touch with the community:

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:heart_decoration: Sponsor

Does your company use k8s-image-swapper? Help keep the project bug-free and feature rich by sponsoring the project.

:office: Commercial Support

Does your company require individual support or addition of features within a guaranteed timeframe? Contact me via email to discuss.

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