


Monesi is a bot for Mastodon. You can let it subscribe a rss feed by a mention like "@monesi@bcn-users.degica.com subscribe http://tech.degica.com/".

This project is under heavy development.

Using Monesi

subscribe a rss feed.

@monesi@bcn-users.degica.com subscribe http://tech.degica.com/

unsubscribe a rss feed.

@monesi@bcn-users.degica.com unsubscribe http://tech.degica.com/

list current subscriptions up.

@monesi@bcn-users.degica.com list

Installing Monesi



$ git clone https://github.com/essa/monesi
$ cd monesi
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
$ bundle exec rspec spec # test it
$ bundle exec bin/monesi setup
Instance URL: |https://mstdn.jp| https://(your mastodon server)
Your Email Address: (your mail address)
Your Password: ****

Run monesi

$ bin/monesi bot

All subscriptions will be saved to status.yaml.

Run monesi on Barcelona

$ cp barcelona.yml.sample barcelona.yml
$ vi barcelona.yml # update docker repository url
$ bcn create --district=mstdn -e production
$ bcn env set -e production MASTODON_URL=https://bcn-users.degica.com AWS_REGION=ap-northeast-1 S3_BUCKET=(your S3 bucket name)
$ bcn env set -e production --secret MASTODON_CLIENT_ID='xxxx' MASTODON_CLIENT_SECRET='****' MASTODON_ACCESS_TOKEN='****' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='****' AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='****' # copy it from .env
$ bcn deploy -e production


Why it is named "Monesi"

It is named after another extinct animal like Mastodon.

<a title="By Nobu Tamura (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AJosephoartigasia_BW.jpg"><img width="512" alt="Josephoartigasia BW" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Josephoartigasia_BW.jpg"/></a>