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Pingtunnel is a tool that send TCP/UDP traffic over ICMP.

Note: This tool is only to be used for study and research, do not use it for illegal purposes



Install server

sudo wget (link of latest release)
sudo unzip pingtunnel_linux64.zip
sudo ./pingtunnel -type server
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all

Install the client

Forward sock5

pingtunnel.exe -type client -l :4455 -s www.yourserver.com -sock5 1

Forward tcp

pingtunnel.exe -type client -l :4455 -s www.yourserver.com -t www.yourserver.com:4455 -tcp 1

Forward udp

pingtunnel.exe -type client -l :4455 -s www.yourserver.com -t www.yourserver.com:4455

Use Docker

It can also be started directly with docker, which is more convenient. Same parameters as above

docker run --name pingtunnel-server -d --privileged --network host --restart=always esrrhs/pingtunnel ./pingtunnel -type server -key 123456
docker run --name pingtunnel-client -d --restart=always -p 1080:1080 esrrhs/pingtunnel ./pingtunnel -type client -l :1080 -s www.yourserver.com -sock5 1 -key 123456

Thanks for free JetBrains Open Source license

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