

Serlio - CityEngine Plugin for Autodesk Maya

Serlio is a plugin for Autodesk Maya. It provides a modifier node which enables the execution of CityEngine ‘rules’ within a Maya scene. Therefore, a 3D environment artist does not have to leave their familiar Maya toolset anymore to make use of CityEngine’s procedural modeling power. Complicated export-import pipelines are no longer needed, which also means that the procedural building models do not need to be “baked” in future. The buildings stay procedural during the entire modeling workflow. Consequently, the 3D environment artist can change many attributes, for example the height, style and appearance of buildings can be altered easily with a parametric interface at any point during production.

Serlio requires so-called rule packages (RPK) as input, which are authored in CityEngine. An RPK includes assets and a CGA rule file which encodes an architectural style. Comprehensive RPK examples are available below and can be used “out-of-the-box” in Serlio.

Serlio is well suited for managing the procedural generation of architectural 3D content in digital sets. However, Serlio is restricted to the procedural generation of singular objects - particularly buildings. Serlio does not include the city layouting and street network editing tools of CityEngine i.e. the rich CityEngine toolset to design a city from scratch (or based on geographic data) is still needed.

Quick Start

  1. Install Serlio by downloading the latest installer. Please see below for installation on Linux.
  2. Start Maya, a new Serlio menu item will appear.
  3. In Maya, select a mesh and use the Serlio menu to assign a rule package (RPK), for example this one which creates a simple extrusion based on a "height" parameter. You can author your own RPKs with CityEngine.
  4. Make sure the geometry is still selected and go to the serlio tab in the Attribute editor. Here you can edit the rule parameters.

Table of Contents

External documentation:

User Manual

Please refer to the release notes for the supported CityEngine version.


Software Requirements (Latest Release)

Windows: Provided Installer

  1. Download the MSI installer for the latest release.
  2. Run the MSI installer.
  3. Start Maya.
  4. You should now see the new menu item Serlio.

Linux: Provided Binaries

  1. Acquire the Serlio binaries for the latest release.
  2. Continue with the steps linked below in the developer documentation.

Using the Serlio plugin

Add rule files

  1. Create and select a polygon mesh.
  2. Go to the Serlio menu and select "Attach CityEngine Rule Package".
  3. Select a .rpk rule file:
    1. Use this basic rule which creates a simple extrusion based on a "height" parameter
    2. Use a rule from the examples
    3. Export your own rule file from CityEngine.
  4. The selected rule will be applied to the mesh. It depends on the rule how multiple faces are handled.

Remove rule files

  1. Select the generated model(s).
  2. Go to the Serlio menu and select "Remove CityEngine Rule Package".
  3. Only the initial shape mesh with default materials remains.

Creating materials

Currently we only support one material type per mesh (see known limitations).

Viewport (Stingray) materials
  1. Select the generated model(s).
  2. Go to the Serlio menu and select "Create Materials".
  3. The materials for all selected models will be generated and displayed in the viewport.
Arnold materials
  1. Select the generated model(s).
  2. Go to the Serlio menu and select "Create Arnold Materials".
  3. The Arnold materials for all selected models will be generated.
  4. Add a light source from "Arnold" > "Lights".
  5. In order to see the rendered view either:
    • Render the current frame once: "Arnold" > "Render" or
    • Switch the renderer in the Viewport to "Arnold" and hit the start button.

Working with Attributes in the inspector

  1. Select a generated model in the Viewport or the Outliner.
  2. Go to the Serlio tab in Attribute Editor.
  3. Change the rule, seed and rule attributes in the Attribute Editor.
  4. The model will update according to the new attribute values.
  5. Use the arrow on the right of an attribute to reset the attribute to its default value. The default value might depend on the seed and/or other attributes.

Developer Manual

Software Requirements

All Platforms



Build Instructions


Building with Visual Studio
  1. Open a Visual Studio x64 Command Shell in the serlio root directory, i.e. at <your path to>\esri-cityengine-sdk\examples\serlio.
  2. Create a build directory with mkdir build and change into it with cd build.
  3. Run cmake to generate a Visual Studio solution:
    cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ../src
    Use options -Dprt_DIR=<ce sdk root>\cmake and -Dmaya_DIR=<maya installation root> to override the default locations of CityEngine SDK and Maya.
  4. Open the generated serlio_parent.sln in Visual Studio.
  5. Switch the solution configuration to "Release" or "RelWithDebInfo" ("Debug" is not supported).
  6. Call build on the INSTALL project.
  7. Proceed with the Installation Instructions below.
Building on the Command Line
  1. Open a Visual Studio x64 Command Shell in the serlio root directory, i.e. at <your path to>\esri-cityengine-sdk\examples\serlio.
  2. Create a build directory with mkdir build and change into it with cd build.
  3. Run cmake to generate the Makefiles:
    cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo ../src
    Use options -Dprt_DIR=<ce sdk root>\cmake and -Dmaya_DIR=<maya installation root> to override the default locations of CityEngine SDK and Maya.
  4. Run make to build the desired target, e.g.
    nmake install
  5. The build result will appear in the install directory in parallel to the build directory. We will use this as the plugin directory below.
Building MSI Installers
  1. WiX Toolset 3 (3.11.1 or later) and Apache Ant (1.10.x or later) is required for building MSI installers.
  2. Start by building Serlio with release configurations as described above.
  3. Open a Command Shell in the serlio\deploy directory.
  4. Run ant in the current directioy. Make sure to set at least one valid install path:
    ant -D"maya2023.dir"=../install
  5. The installer will appear in serlio\build\build_msi.


  1. Open a terminal (e.g. bash).
  2. Change into the example directory: cd <your path to>/esri-cityengine-sdk/examples/serlio
  3. Create a build directory and change into it: mkdir build && cd build
  4. Run cmake (adjust the Maya path if necessary): cmake -Dmaya_DIR=/usr/autodesk/maya2023 ../src
  5. Compile: make install
  6. The build result will appear in the install directory in parallel to the build directory. We will use this as the plugin directory below.

Install local build


  1. Locate the install directory where you built the plugin, let's call it PLUGINDIR.
  2. Locate the Maya.env file in your home, usually its in <home directory>\Documents\maya\2023.
  3. Edit Maya.env as follows:
    :: replace <PLUGINDIR> with the actual path
  4. Start Maya.
  5. Open the plugin manager: "Windows" -> "Settings/Preferences" > "Plug-in Manager".
  6. Enable serlio.mll.
  7. The plugin should load and a new menu item Serlio should appear in Maya.


  1. Let's call the directory with the Serlio binaries PLUGINDIR (downloaded binaries or locally built install folder).
  2. Locate the Maya.env file in your home, e.g.: ~/maya/2020/Maya.env.
  3. Edit Maya.env as follows:
    PLUGINDIR=<PLUGINDIR> # replace <PLUGINDIR> with the actual path
  4. Start Maya (Note: you may want to start Maya from a shell to see the Serlio log output).
  5. Open the plugin manager: "Windows" > "Settings/Preferences" > "Plug-in Manager".
  6. Enable serlio.so.
  7. The plugin should load and a new menu item Serlio should appear in Maya.

Release Notes

v2.3.0 (2024-04-02)

Required Cityengine version: 2023.1 or older. For commercial work, a license for CityEngine 2023.1 is required.


v2.2.0 (2023-06-15)

Required Cityengine version: 2023.0 or older.




v2.1.0 (2022-07-06)

Required CityEngine version: 2022.0 or older.


v2.0.0 (2022-06-20)

Required CityEngine version: 2021.1 or older.





v1.1.0 (2020-06-02)

v1.0.1 (2019-08-21)

v1.0.0 (2019-07-31)

v1.0.0-beta.1 (2019-07-26)

v0.5.0 (2019-06-12)

v0.0.0 (2012-2018)

Known Limitations

Licensing Information

Serlio is free for personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial use requires at least one commercial license of the latest CityEngine version installed in the organization. Redistribution or web service offerings are not allowed unless expressly permitted.

Serlio is under the same license as the included CityEngine SDK. An exception is the Serlio source code (without CityEngine SDK, binaries, or object code), which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

All content in the Examples directory/section is licensed under the APACHE 2.0 license as well.

For questions or enquiries regarding licensing, please contact the Esri CityEngine team (cityengine-info@esri.com).