<h1>Cube Rendering using OpenGL 4.0</h1> <p>This is a template code for use OpenGL 4.0 using FreeGLUT and C++. The code is shader-based using <a href="">freeglut</a> as window manager, <a href="">GLM</a> to the data structures (e.g. vec4, vec3, ma4x4, and so on) and <a href="">GLEW</a> to manage the libraries necessaries in shaders.</p> <p>The display is just a cube where each face is split into 2 triangles. For convenience and simplicity, 36 vertexes are used to cube definition, <code>2 triangles * 3 vertexes each * 6 faces = 36</code>. Also, a vertex is composed by <code>v=(x,y,z,w)</code> for simplicity too.</p> <p>The class <code>GLSLProgram</code> was written by me to loading/creating/managing of shaders. For example, to load and assign attributes and uniforms is just: <br> <code> // this is on the variable defintion <br> CGLSLProgram program; <br> ... <br> // this is on the init function <br> program.loadShader(SHADER_PATH, CGLSLProgram::{VERTEX or TESSELLATION or GEOMETRY or FRAGMENT});<br> program.create_link(); <br> program.enable();<br> program.addAttribute(ATTRIB_NAME); <br> program.addUniform(UNIFORM_NAME); <br> program.addSubroutine(SUBROUTINE_NAME); <br> program.addUniformSubroutine(UNIFORM_SUBR); <br> program.disable();<br> </code></p> <p>Next, in the display function, only using enable and disable function, the program can be activated. It was developed using Visual Studio 2012 compiler because its using #pragma comment to link the .lib of freeglut and GLEW.</p><bold>This code is only to be used as a template. There is no efficiency inside the code.</bold>