

ESLint Markdown Language Plugin

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Lint JS, JSX, TypeScript, and more inside Markdown.

<img src="screenshot.png" height="142" width="432" alt="A JS code snippet in a Markdown editor has red squiggly underlines. A tooltip explains the problem." />



Install the plugin alongside ESLint v8 or greater:

npm install --save-dev eslint @eslint/markdown


Configuration NameDescription
recommendedLints all .md files with the recommended rules and assumes CommonMark format.
processorEnables extracting code blocks from all .md files so code blocks can be individually linted.

In your eslint.config.js file, import @eslint/markdown and include the recommended config to enable the Markdown processor on all .md files:

// eslint.config.js
import markdown from "@eslint/markdown";

export default [

    // your other configs here


<!-- NOTE: The following table is autogenerated. Do not manually edit. --> <!-- Rule Table Start -->
Rule NameDescriptionRecommended
fenced-code-languageRequire languages for fenced code blocks.yes
heading-incrementEnforce heading levels increment by one.yes
no-duplicate-headingsDisallow duplicate headings in the same document.no
no-empty-linksDisallow empty links.yes
no-htmlDisallow HTML tags.no
no-invalid-label-refsDisallow invalid label references.yes
no-missing-label-refsDisallow missing label references.yes
<!-- Rule Table End -->

Note: This plugin does not provide formatting rules. We recommend using a source code formatter such as Prettier for that purpose.

In order to individually configure a rule in your eslint.config.js file, import @eslint/markdown and configure each rule with a prefix:

// eslint.config.js
import markdown from "@eslint/markdown";

export default [
        files: ["**/*.md"],
        plugins: {
        rules: {
            "markdown/no-html": "error"


Language NameDescription
commonmarkParse using CommonMark Markdown format
gfmParse using GitHub-Flavored Markdown format

In order to individually configure a language in your eslint.config.js file, import @eslint/markdown and configure a language:

// eslint.config.js
import markdown from "@eslint/markdown";

export default [
        files: ["**/*.md"],
        plugins: {
        language: "markdown/gfm",
        rules: {
            "markdown/no-html": "error"


Processor NameDescription
markdownExtract fenced code blocks from the Markdown code so they can be linted separately.

Editor Integrations


vscode-eslint has built-in support for the Markdown processor.


The linter-eslint package allows for linting within the Atom IDE.

In order to see @eslint/markdown work its magic within Markdown code blocks in your Atom editor, you can go to linter-eslint's settings and within "List of scopes to run ESLint on...", add the cursor scope "source.gfm".

However, this reports a problem when viewing Markdown which does not have configuration, so you may wish to use the cursor scope "source.embedded.js", but note that @eslint/markdown configuration comments and skip directives won't work in this context.


$ git clone https://github.com/eslint/markdown.git
$ cd markdown
$ npm install
$ npm test

This project follows the ESLint contribution guidelines.