

Re-frame Flow

re-frame-flow is a graph based visualization tool for re-frame event chains. Let's assume we clicked a login button and triggered a series of events. login-fx -> http-fx -> some-fx -> some-db-handler ... (event after event), so a path gets generated, re-frame-flow visualizes all paths in a graph.

Re-frame Flow


Clojars Project

      {:dependencies [[org.clojars.ertucetin/re-frame-flow "X.Y.Z"]] }}
 :preloads [re-frame-flow.preload]


Dispatch tracking (Optional)

If you want to track the flow of dispatch and dispatch-sync, you need to use re-frame-flow's custom dispatch and dispatch-sync. ClojureScript does not provide *ns* at runtime, so these functions implemented as custom macros. Which means you can't pass around like they are functions.

Live Demo

Running the example