


A Slack client for your terminal.



Binary installation

Download a compatible binary for your system. For convenience, place slack-term in a directory where you can access it from the command line. Usually this is /usr/local/bin.

$ mv slack-term /usr/local/bin

Via Go

If you want, you can also get slack-term via Go:

$ go get -u github.com/erroneousboat/slack-term
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/erroneousboat/slack-term
$ go install .

Via docker

You can also run it with docker, make sure you have a valid config file on your host system.

docker run -it -v [config-file]:/config erroneousboat/slack-term


  1. Get a slack token, click here

  2. Running slack-term for the first time, will create a default config file at ~/.config/slack-term/config.

$ slack-term
  1. Update the config file and update your slack_token For more configuration options of the config file, see the wiki.
    "slack_token": "yourslacktokenhere"


When everything is setup correctly you can run slack-term with the following command:

$ slack-term

Default Key Mapping

Below are the default key-mappings for slack-term, you can change them in your config file.

commandiinsert mode
command/search mode
commandkmove channel cursor up
commandjmove channel cursor down
commandgmove channel cursor top
commandGmove channel cursor bottom
commandKthread up
commandJthread down
commandGmove channel cursor bottom
commandpg-upscroll chat pane up
commandctrl-bscroll chat pane up
commandctrl-uscroll chat pane up
commandpg-downscroll chat pane down
commandctrl-fscroll chat pane down
commandctrl-dscroll chat pane down
commandnnext search match
commandNprevious search match
command,jump to next notification
insertleftmove input cursor left
insertrightmove input cursor right
insertentersend message
insertesccommand mode
searchesccommand mode
searchentercommand mode