This repository provides a reference implementation for learning Sparse-Gen models as described in the paper:
Modeling Sparse Deviations for Compressed Sensing using Generative Models
Manik Dhar, Aditya Grover, Stefano Ermon
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2018
The codebase is implemented in Python 2.7. To install the necessary requirements, run the following commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The following command will download the CelebA, OMNIGLOT, and MNIST datasets:
bash ./setup/
The following command will unzip the trained model weights for the experiments:
The following command will create wavelet basis for the celebA experiments
python ./src/
Learning and inference of Sparse-Gen models is handled by the
script which provides the following command line arguments.
--pretrained-model-dir PRETRAINED_MODEL_DIR
Directory containing pretrained model
--dataset DATASET Dataset to use
--input-type INPUT_TYPE
Where to take input from
--input-path-pattern INPUT_PATH_PATTERN
Pattern to match to get images
--num-input-images NUM_INPUT_IMAGES
number of input images
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
How many examples are processed together
--measurement-type MEASUREMENT_TYPE
measurement type
--noise-std NOISE_STD
std dev of noise
--num-measurements NUM_MEASUREMENTS
number of gaussian measurements
--model-types MODEL_TYPES [MODEL_TYPES ...]
model(s) used for estimation
--mloss1_weight MLOSS1_WEIGHT
L1 measurement loss weight
--mloss2_weight MLOSS2_WEIGHT
L2 measurement loss weight
--zprior_weight ZPRIOR_WEIGHT
weight on z prior
--dloss1_weight DLOSS1_WEIGHT
--dloss2_weight DLOSS2_WEIGHT
--sparse_gen_weight SPARSE_GEN_WEIGHT
weight for sparse deviations
--optimizer-type OPTIMIZER_TYPE
Optimizer type
--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
learning rate
--momentum MOMENTUM momentum value
--max-update-iter MAX_UPDATE_ITER
maximum updates to z
--num-random-restarts NUM_RANDOM_RESTARTS
number of random restarts
--decay-lr whether to decay learning rate
--lmbd LMBD lambda : regularization parameter for LASSO
--lasso-solver LASSO_SOLVER
Solver for LASSO
--const_dummy CONST_DUMMY
dummy hack
--save-images whether to save estimated images
--save-stats whether to save estimated images
--print-stats whether to print statistics
--checkpoint-iter CHECKPOINT_ITER
checkpoint every x batches
--image-matrix IMAGE_MATRIX
0 = 00 = no image matrix, 1 = 01 = show image matrix 2
= 10 = save image matrix 3 = 11 = save and show image
You will need to download the datasets to run the experiments. To run the quantitative experiments as given in the paper, run the scripts in the quant_scripts directory:
bash ./quant_scripts/
bash ./quant_scripts/
bash ./quant_scripts/
This will generate the scripts in multiple directories for the required experiments which can be run using the utils/ script. The exact commands are as follows:
bash ./utils/ scripts_mnist
bash ./utils/ scripts_mnist2omni
bash ./utils/ scritps_omni
bash ./utils/ scritps_omni2mnist
bash ./utils/ scritps_celebA
When all experiments have finished running the graphs can be generated using:
bash ./setup/
Portions of the codebase in this repository uses code originally provided in the open-source Compressed Sensing with Generative Model ( repositories.
If you find Sparse-Gen useful in your research, please consider citing the following paper:
title={Modeling Sparse Deviations for Compressed Sensing using Generative Models},
author={Dhar, Manik and Grover, Aditya and Ermon, Stefano},
booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},