


AntiDuplX - cross platform command line tool to find and remove similar pictures.

Building of AntiDuplX for Linux

On Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS there is following way to build AntiDuplX:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git cmake g++ nasm
git clone -b master --recurse-submodules -v https://github.com/ermig1979/AntiDuplX.git AntiDuplX
cd AntiDuplX
mkdir build
cmake ./prj/cmake -B ./build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build ./build --config Release --parallel$(nproc)

There are addition build parameters:

Building of AntiDuplX for Windows

To build the tool for Windows 32/64 you need to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. There are project files are in the directory:


Using of AntiDuplX

AntiDuplX using example:

./AntiDuplX -id=./pict_dir_1 -id=./pict_dir_2 -ct=0.05 -of=./dupl_list.txt

Where following parameters are used:

Also you can use parameters: