




A .tool-versions file is provided in this repo for asdf users.

Up and running

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Creating blog posts

The eef.gen.post mix task should be used to create new blog posts. The command structure is as follows:

mix eef.gen.post <working-group> <slug>

The current options are available:

Note that you may edit the author, title, and other meta data after the post is generated.

mix eef.gen.post education missing-rug --author "The Dude" --title "It tied the room together"
* creating priv/posts/education/20190708231334_missing-rug.md

Now you may open up the created file and edit the metadata and author the content of your post with your favorite editor.

In this example to preview the rendered markdown on the local instance of the site one would visit http://localhost:4000/news/education/missing-rug

post file format

  "title": "It tied the room together",
  "author": "The Dude",
  "slug": "missing-rug",
  "datetime": "2019-07-08T23:12:30.345164Z"
Post excerpt goes here. This is a short description of the what the post is about.
This is where the body of the post goes.

## Standard markdown and GFM supported.
 See [Earmark Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/earmark/1.3.2/Earmark.html) for details.

Current roster of blog groups

The following groups can be used with the eef.gen.post command:


Getting around in dev mode

Contributing to the community section of the site

All resources data for the community page of the site can be found in priv/data/community.

Before proceeding please:

Adding an entry to an existing section

To add an entry to an existing section simply find the relevant .exs file in priv/data/community and add a new entry. That's it!

Adding a new section or sub-section