

Shrine Rails demo

This is a Rails demo for Shrine. It allows the user to create albums and attach images. The demo shows an advanced workflow:


  1. User selects one or more files
  2. The files get asynchronously uploaded directly to S3 and a progress bar is displayed
  3. The cached file data gets written to the hidden fields
  4. Once the form is submitted, background jobs are kicked off to process the images
  5. The records are saved with cached files, which are shown as fallback
  6. Once background jobs are finished, records are updated with processed attachment data


  1. User marks photos for deletion and submits
  2. Deletion starts in background, and form submits instantly
  3. Background job finishes deleting

This asynchronicity generally provides an ideal user experience, because the user doesn't have to wait for processing or deleting, and due to fallbacks they can be unaware of background jobs.

Direct uploads and backgrounding also have performance advantages, since your app doesn't have to receive file uploads (as files are uploaded directly to S3), and the web workers aren't blocked by processing, storing or deleting.


The demo can upload files directly to S3 (default in production), or they can be uploaded to the app on stored on disk (default in development and test environment). See "Upload server modes" below for more info.

The demo features both single and multiple uploads.

On the client side Uppy is used for handling file uploads. The complete JavaScript implementation for the demo can be found in application.js.


To run the app you need to setup the following things:

Once you have all of these things set up, you can run the app:

$ rails server

Upload server modes

This demo app is capable of uploading files directly to S3 (using straight upload or S3 multipart upload), or of uploading to an application action and storing on local disk.

In all three modes, the file selected in the browser is immediately uploaded by Javascript to some storage location ("JS direct upload"), and then on form submit a shrine-compatible hash describing the already-stored file is sent to the Rails app. Using shrine cached_attachment_data and restore_cached_data plugins. The difference is in where the Javascript sends the file, and how.

You can choose which upload server mode to by setting the UPLOAD_SERVER env variable. Otherwise, the default is s3 in production, and app in test and development.

So if you would like to use the app with the S3 multipart upload server strategy, launch the rails app with:

$ UPLOAD_SERVER=s3_multipart rails server

Consider access control

In a real apps, if you only want logged-in users to be able to upload files directly to your cache storage, you will want to limit access to the signing and/or file-receiving endpoints in routes.rb. For example, if using devise one way to do this is:

authenticate :user do
  mount Shrine.upload_endpoint(:cache) => "/upload"
