

Message Center in Teams


Message Center in Teams is a simple PowerAutomate Solution to gather Message Center Announcement and post them in a Teams Channel. Its goal is to leverage Teams and SharePoint list to ease the access and simplify sharing of message center announcement.

Message Center Post in Teams

Deployment steps


Create the Azure AD App Id

Create an Azure AD app to Query the Message Center API.

Import the MC in Teams Solution in Power Automate

Message Center in teams v2 now leverage a Power Automate unmanaged solution to improve the installation flow. For more details on Power Automate solutions click here.

Configure the Solution

Note: If you were unable to create your AppClientID and AppSecret you can keep the default ones. They'll work but note that they are linked to my tenant hosted in Europe. Some Message Center posts are tenant specific so you might miss some if you don't use your own credentials.

Initialize the Solution

Congrats the Message Center in Teams Solutions is now fully functional!


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