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What is KubeProber?

KubeProber is a diagnostic tool designed for large-scale Kubernetes clusters. It is used to perform diagnostic items in the kubernetes cluster to prove that the functions of the cluster are normal, KubeProber has the following characteristics:

Different from the monitoring system, KubeProber proves the functions of the cluster are normal from the perspective of diagnostic. Monitoring is a forward link and cannot cover all scenarios in the system. The monitoring data of each environment in the system is normal and cannot prove the system is 100% normal, so a tool is needed to prove the availability of the system from the reverse, and fundamentally to discover unavailable points in the cluster before users, such as:


Kubeprober Architecture


The operator running on the management cluster. This operator maintains two CRDs, one is Cluster, which is used to manage the managed cluster, and the other is Probe, which is used to manage the built-in and user-written diagnostic items, probe-master Through watch these two CRDs, the latest diagnostic configuration is pushed to the managed cluster, and probe-master provides an interface for viewing the diagnosis results of the managed cluster.


The operator running on the managed cluster. This operator maintains two CRDs. One is a Probe that is exactly the same as the probe-master. The probe-agent executes the cluster’s diagnostic items according to the definition of the probe. The other is ProbeStatus for Record the diagnosis results of each Probe. Users can view the diagnosis results of the cluster through kubectl get probestatus in the managed cluster.

Getting started

Get start with this doc.

To start developing kubeprober

You can run and build probe-master and probe-agent locally. please make sure that ~/.kube/config can access the kubernetes cluster.

install crd && webhook resources

make dev

run probe-master

APP=probe-master make run

run probe-tunnel

# export env get from the create cluster crd
export CLUSTER_NAME="moon"
export SECRET_KEY="a944499f-97f3-4986-89fa-bc7dfc7e009a" 

# run probe-agent
APP=probe-tunnel make run

run probe-agent

APP=probe-agent make run

probe-agent parameters precedence order and format

# precedence order and format, each item takes precedence over the item below it, (e.g --cluster-name)
flag       --cluster-name
env          CLUSTER_NAME
config       cluster_name

build binary file

APP=probe-master make build
APP=probe-agent make build

build image

# build with default version: latest
# output image format: kubeprober/probe-master:latest
APP=probe-master make docker-build

# build with custom version: v0.0.1
# output image format: kubeprober/probe-master:v0.0.1
APP=probe-master V=v0.0.1 make docker-build

# build with default version: latest
APP=probe-agent make docker-build

# push with default version: latest
APP=probe-agent make docker-push

# build & push
APP=probe-agent make docker-build-push

Write your prober

custom probes


Contributions are always welcomed. Please refer to Contributing to KubeProber for details.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


KubeProber is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.