

Itchy Electron

Package your Electron games for itch.io


This is a CLI app for building and publishing games and tools built using Electron to itch.io. It aims to handle everything from packaging your Electron app into distributables, to publishing it on itch.io. It wraps other tools into a single unified interface, with sensible defaults and simple commands that can easily be called manually or added as package.json scripts.

Bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests are welcome!


Install into a project using npm:

$ npm install --save-dev itchy-electron

or globally:

$ npm install -g itchy-electron

Publishing also relies on butler, which needs to be manually installed.


Once installed, Itchy Electron is used through the CLI tool itchy.

Refer to the help for an up to date command reference:

$ itchy help


Itchy Electron uses configuration files over command line arguments. To configure it, either add an object to your package.json called itchyElectron, or create a JavaScript or JSON file called .itchyelectronrc, .itchyelectron.js, or .itchyelectron.json (whatever takes your preference).

The only "required" options are electronVersion (which is inherited from the package.json if possible - see below for more details) and itchTargets.

A minimal package.json configuration looks like this:

  "name": "example",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "itchyElectron": {
    "productName": "Example",
    "appDir": "./app",
    "itchTargets": {
      "release": "erbridge/example"
  "devDependencies": {
    "electron-prebuilt": "1.0.2",
    "itchy-electron": "^0.1.0"

or .itchyelectron.json:

  "productName": "Example",
  "appVersion": "0.1.0",
  "electronVersion": "1.0.2",
  "itchTargets": {
    "beta": "erbridge/example-beta",
    "release": "erbridge/example"



The app source directory. Defaults to the current directory.


The release version of the application. Maps to the ProductVersion metadata property on Windows, and CFBundleShortVersionString on OS X. Defaults to the version from the package.json.


The directory to save builds into. Defaults to ./build.


The build version of the application. Maps to the FileVersion metadata property on Windows, and CFBundleVersion on OS X. Defaults to appVersion.


The version of Electron to build against. If omitted, the pinned version in the package.json dependencies will be used. If there is no locally pinned version number, the build will fail.

Accepted packages are:


An object of key value pairs of target to project, used for publishing.


The application name. If omitted, name from the package.json will be used instead. If no name is present, it will default to untitled.

Project Structure

It is suggested that you structure your app in the following way, so as to minimize the overheads caused by packaging the devDependencies.


        The entire app source is contained within here.

          A minimal package.json containing a reference to the
          app entry point in "main" along with the runtime
          dependencies in "dependencies". Other values are optional.



        A more complete package.json with the development dependencies
        and other values. This is where the "itchyElectron"
        configuration belongs, if using the package.json option.

Setting appDir to ./app in this case will enable building packages with only the runtime dependencies. It also has the bonus effect of excluding the various configuration files often found in a project's root.