

GPIS & Grasp Planning

This folder includes:

Gaussian Process Implicit Surface (GPIS)


Run 'SurfaceModeling.m' to generate the generate the object shape representation using Gaussian Process. The object representation data are saved into 'data_grasp.dat'.


include the model of object file, right now we only suppot the obj file format but other format can be adapted too.


the script to download more object models online.

Contact-level Grasp Planning

ampl- A Mathematical Programming Language AMPL

  1. Open 'point_temple.mod' and change 'param datanb :=60;' to the correct number of data points. We will make this automatic later.

  2. Run 'main_cylinder.m' to generate the AMPL file for grasp planning. By default, these files will be generated to folder 'Cylinder_mod'. Copy 'ampl.exe' and 'ipopt.exe' to the generated folder.

  3. This follwing step is only tested in Windows, in ubuntu, AMPL can not find the ipopt solver, I can not find the reason for this now. If you have a better solution, please let me know. Run 'ampl.exe', you will see 'ampl:', type 'include All_mod.txt', the solver will try to solve the optimization problem. ampl: include All_mod.txt


  1. Dexterous grasping under shape uncertainty, Miao Li, Kaiyu Hang, Danica Kragic and Aude Billard, Robots and Autonomous Systems, 2015;
  2. On the generation of a variety of grasps, Sahar El-Khoury, Miao Li, Aude Billard, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 2013;