


Wilma is a Service Virtualization tool, that combines the capabilities of a Service Stub and a HTTP/HTTPS Transparent Proxy. Its main purpose is to support development and testing applications/services/components those functionality relies/depends on another application/services/components that can be owned by you or can be owned by 3rd party as well. The selected architecture approach makes it capable to use it in unit, integration, functional, end-to-end, performance test environments and environments those contains microservices. It can be used for manual tests too. It is expandable easily via plugins and configurable on-the-fly. It is written in Java, and the solution consists of two standalone applications:

Quick intro for end users

Wilma application


Note on V1.6 and V2.0 versions

Please be noted that there were non-backward compatible changes when Wilma is upgraded from V1.6 to V2.0. Configurations used in V1.6 (that was xml based) cannot be used for configuring V2.0 (which is json based). You should also know that V1.6 release works reliable with HTTP only, because the supported HTTPS protocols (SSLv3, TLS1) become obsolete in the meantime. On the other hand, V2.0 can be used for TLS1.1, TLS 1.2 and even for TLS1.3 - however extra configurations may be necessary and unexpected events may occur (like the used jdk does not support some of these protocols fully). HTTP part shall work without issue.

Configuring Components/Services to use Wilma

The most simple way to do this is by configuring the Component/Service to use Wilma as HTTP(S) proxy. In case of Java components/services, this can be done by adding a few VM arguments to the run configuration:

JAVA_PROXY_FLAGS=-Dhttp.proxyHost=[wilma-url] -Dhttp.proxyPort=[wilma-proxy-port] -Dhttps.proxyHost=[wilma-url] -Dhttps.proxyPort=[wilma-proxy-port]
java ${JAVA_PROXY_FLAGS} ...

Configure and run Wilma

To run Wilma with simplest configuration, just download the release, extract it and run: java -jar wilma-x.y.z.jar wilma.conf.properties

See this page for more detailed information on how to configure Wilma, and Component/Service that uses Wilma.

In case you would like to use Wilma with its HTTPS support, it is suggested to start Wilma with additional parameters:

java -Djdk.tls.namedGroups="secp256r1, secp384r1, ffdhe2048, ffdhe3072" -Djdk.tls.client.protocols="TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2" -jar wilma-x.y.z.jar wilma.conf.properties

The necessary additional parameters will always depend on the actual environment, for example specifying the protocols might not be necessary in many cases.

Docker Image of Wilma

Contact, questions and answers

In order to get the latest news, follow this project on GitHub. The latest documentation can be found at http://epam.github.io/Wilma/. Feel free to seek for assistance/advise, or discuss usage scenarios by submitting new Issue on GitHub.

Wilma Message Search application



java -jar wilma-message-search-x.y.z.jar message.search.conf.properties

Quick intro for developers/contributors

There are several ways you can help us:

Advised working environment

Building with Gradle

The project can be built by following the instructions described here. This way of build is recommended for contributors only, End-Users, please use the pre-built downloadable releases from here, or use the docker image.



Detailed information

License - GPLv3.0

Copyright since 2013 EPAM Systems

Wilma is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Wilma is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Wilma. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.