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<h1 align="center">GPT-Vis</h1> <div align="center">

Components for GPTs, generative AI, and LLM projects. Not only UI Components.

<p align="center"> <a href="https://gpt-vis.antv.vision" target="_blank">Document</a> • <a href="/knowledges" target="_blank">Knowledge</a> • <a href="https://tbox.alipay.com/experience/202410APr1n200110168?id=20241120WZh400101995" target="_blank">Agent Demo</a> </p> <div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/eosphoros-ai/GPT-Vis/assets/17919400/c8804ffb-d3d6-45d3-846f-cf217681ab05" width=500"> </div> </div>

✨ Features

📦 Installation

$ npm i @antv/gpt-vis --save

🔨 Usage

import { GPTVis } from '@antv/gpt-vis';

const markdownContent = `
# GPT-VIS \n\nComponents for GPTs, generative AI, and LLM projects. Not only UI Components.

Here’s a visualization of Haidilao's food delivery revenue from 2013 to 2022. You can see a steady increase over the years, with notable *growth* particularly in recent years.

  "type": "line",
  "data": [
    { "time":2013,"value":59.3 },
    { "time":2014,"value":64.4 },
    { "time":2015,"value":68.9 },
    { "time":2016,"value":74.4 },
    { "time":2017,"value":82.7 },
    { "time":2018,"value":91.9 },
    { "time":2019,"value":99.1 },
    { "time":2020,"value":101.6 },
    { "time":2021,"value":114.4 },
    { "time":2022,"value":121 }

export default () => {
  return <GPTVis>{markdownContent}</GPTVis>;
<details> <summary>🛠 Custom renderer</summary>
import { GPTVisLite, withChartCode, ChartType, Pie } from '@antv/gpt-vis';

const markdownContent = `
my data

  "type": "pie",
  "data": [
    { "category": "category 1", "value": 27 },
    { "category": "category 2", "value": 25 },
    { "category": "category 3", "value": 18 },
    { "category": "other", "value": 5 }

const customRenderers = { 'my-ui': ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div> };
const components = {
  code: withChartCode({
    languageRenderers: customRenderers, // register custom block renderer
    components: { [ChartType.Pie]: Pie }, // register a pie chart

export default () => {
  return <GPTVisLite components={components}>{markdownContent}</GPTVisLite>;

🐍 Streamlit

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_gpt_vis import set_gpt_vis

content = '''
Here’s a visualization of Haidilao's food delivery revenue from 2013 to 2022. You can see a steady increase over the years, with notable *growth* particularly in recent years.

{"type": "line","data": [{"time":2013,"value":59.3},{"time":2014,"value":64.4},{"time":2015,"value":68.9},{"time":2016,"value":74.4},{"time":2017,"value":82.7},{"time":2018,"value":91.9},{"time":2019,"value":99.1},{"time":2020,"value":101.6},{"time":2021,"value":114.4},{"time":2022,"value":121}]}


Learn more 👉 streamlit-gpt-vis

Visual Knowledge

The purpose of the Visual Knowledge Base is to provide a comprehensive and systematic resource to help Agents understand, select, create various data visualization charts. Below are the metrics for generating accurate chart protocols based on the evaluation dataset through the RAG.

HistogramTree MapWord CloudRadarDual AxisRich Text NTVPin Map
Network GraphMind MapOrganizational ChartFlow DiagramFishbone Diagram

Note: The numbers in the format of X/Y represent the metrics of the respective chart types when evaluated against the dataset.

💻 Development

# install dependencies
$ pnpm install

# develop library by docs demo
$ pnpm dev

# build library source code
$ pnpm build
