


It is necessary to buy ram for creating new accounts in EOSIO. To buy, it costs some EOS. To boot up the mainnet based on EOSIO, some of block producer candidates proposed method to create user accounts in genesis.json.

Two methods emerged. 1) Print some EOS more and gift ram costs to genesis users. 2) Transfer (or Workout) and make supply to 1B exactly.

But there are hot debates about results of methods proposed. Before resignation of system accounts, states below are ideal and desirable because this is a blockchain. See three conditions below.

Three conditions

  1. supply of EOS token : 1,000,000,000.0000 EOS exactly.
    • Initial EOS distribution is 1B.
    • If larger than 1B, inflation is slightly more.
  2. connector balance of EOS in Bancor system : (1,000,000,000.0000 / 1000) exactly.
    • If larger than value above, RAM price starts slightly higher and grows slightly steeper. In consequence, users pay more.
  3. Initial token balance of system accounts : 0.0000 EOS exactly.
    • sum of all accounts including user accounts and system accounts should be same with supply of EOS token above.
    • system accounts such as eosio, eosio.ram, eosio.ramfee, eosio.stake

It is quite easy to check whether three conditions are met before resignation of system accounts using commands below:

cleos get currency stats eosio.token EOS
cleos get currency balance eosio.token eosio EOS
# .... and many other system accounts
cleos get table eosio eosio rammarket

In either way, in order to be in desirable states, three conditions above should be satisfied. But there were no viable options to do that although hot debates.

To fill the gap between proposed methods and to make adjustments easy, eos-ramcost is implemented, tested and presented to community before mainnet launch for review and inclusion.

eos-ramcost contracts

Two contracts, eosio.token.ramcost and eosio.system.ramcost for adjusting during boot. And only three simple actions are just added to be audited easily. It is tested on master branch of eos-mainnet repo only. And wasm included.


Original eosio.token and eosio.system is from master branch of eos-mainnet repo.

eosio.token.ramcost contract

Two actions are added to original eosio.token contract.

cleos push action eosio.token zerobalance '["eosio.ram", "0.0000 EOS"]' -p eosio
cleos push action eosio.token unissue '["101019.2000 EOS", "Adjust supply to correct initial supply and inflation"]' -p eosio

eosio.system.ramcost contract

One action is added to original eosio.system contract.

cleos push action eosio biosramcost '["eosio", "249.0751 EOS"]' -p eosio


It is tested on master branch of eos-mainnet repo only.


Sorry for not being neat.

Or you can use wasm files included.


cleos set contract eosio.token /path/to/eosio.token.ramcost
cleos set contract eosio /path/to/eosio.system.ramcost

It's time to adjust for the common good. Calculate the amount to adjust before.

cleos get currency stats eosio.token EOS
cleos get currency balance eosio.token eosio EOS
# .... and many other system accounts
cleos get table eosio eosio rammarket
cleos push action eosio.token unissue '["101019.2000 EOS", "Adjust supply to correct initial supply and inflation"]' -p eosio
cleos get currency stats eosio.token EOS
cleos push action eosio.token zerobalance '["eosio.ram", "0.0000 EOS"]' -p eosio
# .... and many other system accounts
cleos get currency balance eosio.token eosio EOS
# .... and many other system accounts
cleos push action eosio biosramcost '["eosio", "249.0751 EOS"]' -p eosio
cleos get currency stats eosio.token EOS
cleos get currency balance 
# .... and many other system accounts
cleos get table eosio eosio rammarket
cleos set contract eosio.token /path/to/eosio.token
cleos set contract eosio /path/to/eosio.system

Good. We're done. Proceed to the next step.

