

eosc EOSIO command-line swiss-army-knife



eosc is a cross-platform (Windows, Mac and Linux) command-line tool for interacting with an EOS.IO blockchain.



  1. Install from https://github.com/eoscanada/eosc/releases


  1. Build from source with:
go get -u -v github.com/eoscanada/eosc/eosc


  1. If you are on MacOS and use Homebrew:
brew install eoscanada/tap/eosc

Getting started

Once installed run:

eosc vault create --import

to import your keys and follow instructions.

Then set your environment variable to the API URL of your choice, optionally setting some HTTP headers:

export EOSC_GLOBAL_API_URL=https://your-favorite-endpoint

export EOSC_GLOBAL_HTTP_HEADER_0="Authorization: bearer abcdef12323453452565676589"
export EOSC_GLOBAL_HTTP_HEADER_1="Origin: https://something...

Then you can run commands on the chain, ex:

eosc get info
eosc transfer fromaccnt toaccnt 0.0001 --memo "Sent with eosc"

Environment variables

These are supported environment variables:

Special cases:


Cryptographic primitives used

The cryptography used is NaCl (C implementation, Javascript port, Go version, which we use). And key derivation is Argon2, using the Go library here.

You can inspect the crypto code in our codebase regarding the passphrase implementation: it is 61 lines, including blanks and comments.


Q: Why not use cleos instead ?

A: cleos is hard to compile, being in C++, as it requires a huge toolchain. eosc works on Windows where cleos doesn't. eosc contains a wallet inside, and is able to use it to sign some transactions, cleos interfaces with yet another program (keosd) in order to sign transactions, making it more complex to use. eosc brings keosd and cleos together in a swiss-army-knify package.