For the latest stable release, please refer to
What it is all about
But to return to the actual topic: Every person dealing with long-term climatological data (e.g. of daily air temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation amounts) will sooner or later stumble across the Global Summary Of Day (GSOD) climate data collection provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA). I’ve been recently looking for available GSOD stations in close vicinity to Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, and as I am trying to realize most of my coding work using R, I quickly noticed that there are only a few packages that provide convenient tools for processing GSOD data. Therefore, I started to write this package that includes both downloading data sets of selected climate stations for a given time span as well as some processing steps for quality assurance and gap filling.
Introducing the processing chain
Getting started
The starting point for each GSOD-related search query is the selection of a particular station (or even multiple stations). Although there are tools that allow interactive station selection and data acquisition, I thought it was a good thing to implement a couple of search functions to speed things up a little bit.
The GSODTools package comes with a built-in dataset from NOAA’s FTP server holding information about all available GSOD stations that is automatically attached via lazy-loading when loading the package. Let’s have a quick look at it.
## 1 007018 99999 WXPOD 7018 0.00 0.000 7018.0 2011-03-09 2013-07-30
## 2 007026 99999 WXPOD 7026 AF 0.00 0.000 7026.0 2012-07-13 2017-08-22
## 3 007070 99999 WXPOD 7070 AF 0.00 0.000 7070.0 2014-09-23 2015-09-26
## 4 008260 99999 WXPOD8270 0.00 0.000 0.0 2005-01-01 2012-07-31
## 5 008268 99999 WXPOD8278 AF 32.95 65.567 1156.7 2010-05-19 2012-03-23
## 6 008307 99999 WXPOD 8318 AF 0.00 0.000 8318.0 2010-04-21 2010-04-21
To transform the built-in dataset into a spatial object, either run
manually or use the convenience function gsodDf2Sp()
Past inconveniences (elevation in decimeters, coordinates in thousandth
of a degree, longitude and latitude outside of -180 to 180 and -90 to
90, respectively) are no longer an issue, which is why gsodReformat()
has been deprecated and will eventually be removed from the package.
# Reformat data and convert to spatial object
gsod_shp <- gsodDf2Sp(data = gsodstations)
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
Selecting a station
Now that the list of available GSOD stations is in a reasonable format and holds spatial information, the next step would be to select a station you would like to download data from. Using the GIS Data Locator, this involves quite some clicking around until you finally reach the download page. GSODTools offers multiple functions to facilitate station selection and data acquisition, allowing the user to select stations based on spatial characteristics or by hand.
takes a x (longitude) and y (latitude) coordinate as
input, and returns all available GSOD stations that fall within a
user-defined buffer around that location. Alternatively, a
‘SpatialPoints’ object may be provided rather than two separate
numerics. For instance, let’s search for GSOD stations in a circle of
500 km around Kibo summit, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. The referring
coordinates are c(37.359031, -3.065053)
shp_kibo <- stationFromCoords(x = 37.359031, y = -3.065053, width = 500)
# or: stationFromCoords(x = c(37.359031, -3.065053), width = 500)
# or: stationFromCoords(x = SpatialPoints(data.frame(x = 37.359031,
# y = -3.065053),
# proj4string = CRS("+init=epsg:4326")),
# width = 500)
mapRegion = "africa"
, plotData = FALSE
, borderCol = "black"
, addLegend = FALSE
points(sf::st_coordinates(shp_kibo), col = "red", pch = 20, cex = 2)
, just like stationFromCoords
, allows station
selection based on spatial criteria. There are actually two options how
to handle this function. If no bounding box is defined, the user is
automatically prompted to manually draw an extent on a map rather than
directly supplying specific coordinates. The advantage is that spatial
selection is not performed in a circular shape, i.e. in a uniform
distance around a given location, but depends on user preferences. With
respect to the aforementioned example, this means that GSOD stations in
the southern Mt. Kilimanjaro region could be selected rather than all
stations in a given distance from the summit. Alternatively, an extent
object from an arbitrary spatial object, e.g. ‘RasterLayer’,
‘SpatialPolygons’ etc, may be defined. In this case, drawExtent
is actually quite difficult to include in a README file) is
automatically disabled.
bbox_kibo_south <- sf::st_bbox(
xmin = 36.6
, xmax = 37.72
, ymin = -3.5
, ymax = -3.065053
shp_kili_south <- stationFromExtent(bb = bbox_kibo_south)
mapRegion = "africa"
, plotData = FALSE
, borderCol = "black"
, addLegend = FALSE
points(sf::st_coordinates(shp_kili_south), col = "red", pch = 20, cex = 2)
The third and, at the moment, final possibility to select a GSOD station is to simply choose a name from the built-in station list. This is, however, a quite tricky approach since you have to know the precise spelling of a station’s name. Again referring to the above example where we selected Arusha, Moshi, and Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA), this would more or less look like this.
station_names <- c("ARUSHA", "KILIMANJARO INTL", "MOSHI")
shp_kili_south <-
gsodstations |>
gsodReformat() |>
subset(`STATION NAME` %in% station_names) |>
## Simple feature collection with 3 features and 9 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 36.633 ymin: -3.429 xmax: 37.333 ymax: -3.35
## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
## 13485 637890 99999 ARUSHA TZ HTAR 1386.8 1960-01-11 2022-05-28 POINT (36.633 -3.368)
## 13486 637900 99999 MOSHI TZ HTMS 831.0 1949-09-09 2022-05-23 POINT (37.333 -3.35)
## 13487 637910 99999 KILIMANJARO INTL TZ HTKJ 893.7 1973-01-01 2022-05-28 POINT (37.074 -3.429)
Downloading data
Ideally, you have now found an appropriate station you would like to
acquire data from. It usually takes some patience to click through the
download procedure inherent to the GIS Data Locator, and having to
perform the same steps again and again can soon get quite frustrating. I
implemented a function called dlGsodStations
that helps to overcome
these inconveniences. The function works with USAF codes that are unique
to each GSOD station and, in my opinion, catchier than the associated
station names. The USAF code can be determined by having a look at the
outcome of the various station selection functions.
# Subset station list by name, and display related USAF code
moshi <- subset(
## 13486 637900 99999 MOSHI TZ HTMS -3.35 37.333 831 1949-09-09 2022-05-23
If you are not willing to download the entire dataset from a given
station (which is the default setting), but rather a limited period of
time, you can specify the desired years through start_year
. It is possible to adjust the destination folder for data
download (dsn
) if you do not want to save the data in the current
working directory. Furthermore, you can also determine whether to
extract the zipped files and remove the *.gz files after extraction. In
this case, the function returns a data.frame
rather than a vector of
*.gz filepaths. Note that, for each year and station, the function
automatically checks if data is already present in the specified
destination folder. If so, the referring download will be skipped and
the subsequent download query will be evaluated. Here is an example on
data download including visualization of the daily mean air temperature
from Moshi, Tanzania, for the years 1990 to 2000.
# Not run: Download data from Moshi, Tanzania, from 1990 to 1995
gsod_moshi <- dlGsodStations(usaf = moshi$USAF,
start_year = 1990, end_year = 1997,
dsn = tempdir(),
unzip = TRUE)
# Plot temperature data (but: time series not continuous!)
# Convert temperature column
gsod_moshi$TEMP <- toCelsius(gsod_moshi$TEMP, digits = 1)
ggplot(aes(y = TEMP, x = YEARMODA), data = gsod_moshi) +
geom_line(color = "grey50") +
stat_smooth(method = "lm") +
labs(x = "Index", y = expression("Temperature (" ~ degree ~ C ~ ")")) +
Side note: toCelsius
You may have already noticed toCelsius
in the preceding code chunk.
Indeed, this function is as small as useful, as it converts temperature
values from degree Fahrenheit (which is native GSOD format) to degree
# Degree Fahrenheit
val_fah <- runif(10, 60, 80)
# -> Degree Celsius
toCelsius(val_fah, digits = 1)
## [1] 21.2 19.0 20.3 23.3 16.5 18.1 18.6 18.6 22.4 20.3