

<p align="center"> <a href="" rel="noopener"> <img width="400" src="https://i.imgur.com/83Y7bWN.png" alt="React & Google Apps Script logos"></a> </p> <p align="center"><i> Built with React v18 and Vite for best-in-class frontend development. </i></p> <div align="center">

Status GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests License

</div> <p align="center"> 🚀 This is your boilerplate project for developing React apps inside Google Sheets, Docs, Forms and Slides projects. It's perfect for personal projects and for publishing complex add-ons in the Google Workspace Marketplace. </p>

📝 Table of Contents


🔎 About <a name = "about"></a>

Google Apps Script is Google's Javascript-based development platform for building applications and add-ons for Google Sheets, Docs, Forms and other Google Apps.

Google Apps Scripts lets you add custom user interfaces inside dialog windows. Using this template, it's easy to run React apps inside these dialogs, and build everything from small projects to advanced add-ons that can be published in the Google Workspace Marketplace.

<p align="center"> <img width="75%" src="https://i.imgur.com/BZvQ5ua.png" alt="React & Google Apps Script"> </p>

This repo is a boilerplate project for developing React apps with Google Apps Script projects. You can use this starter template to build your own React apps and deploy them inside Google Sheets, Docs, Forms and Slides for use in dialogs and sidebars. Sample code is provided showing how your React app can interact with the underlying Google Apps Script server-side code.

Read on to get started with your own project! <br/>

🚜 Install <a name = "install"></a>

These instructions will get you set up with a copy of the React project code on your local machine. It will also get you logged in to clasp, which lets you manage script projects from the command line.

See deploy for notes on how to deploy the project and see it live in a Google Spreadsheet.

Prerequisites <a name = "prerequisites"></a>

🏁 Getting started <a name = "getting-started"></a>

Full steps to getting your local environment set up, deploying your app, and also running your app locally for local development are shown in the video below:


1. First, let's clone the repo and install the dependencies. This project is published as a public template, so you can also fork the repo or select "Use this template" in GitHub.

git clone https://github.com/enuchi/React-Google-Apps-Script.git
cd React-Google-Apps-Script
yarn install

2. Next, we'll need to log in to clasp, which lets us manage our Google Apps Script projects locally.

yarn run login

3. Now let's run the setup script to create a New spreadsheet and script project from the command line.

yarn run setup

Alternatively, you can use an existing Google Spreadsheet and Script file instead of creating a new one.

<details> <summary>See instructions here for using an existing project.</summary>

You will need to update the .clasp.json file in the root of this project with the following three key/value pairs (see .clasp.json.SAMPLE for reference):

  "scriptId": "1PY037hPcy................................................",
  "parentId": ["1Df30......................................."],
  "rootDir": "./dist"

Next, let's deploy the app so we can see it live in Google Spreadsheets.



🚀 Deploy <a name = "deploy"></a>

Run the deploy command. You may be prompted to update your manifest file. Type 'yes'.

yarn run deploy

The deploy command will build all necessary files using production settings, including all server code (Google Apps Script code), client code (React bundle), and config files. All bundled files will be outputted to the dist/ folder, then pushed to the Google Apps Script project.

Now open Google Sheets and navigate to your new spreadsheet (e.g. the file "My React Project"). You can also run yarn run open. Make sure to refresh the page if you already had it open. You will now see a new menu item appear containing your app!


🎈 Local Development <a name="local-development"></a>

We can develop our client-side React apps locally, and see our changes directly inside our Google Spreadsheet dialog window.

There are two steps to getting started: installing a certificate (first time only), and running the start command.

  1. Generating a certificate for local development <a name = "generatingcerts"></a>

    Install the mkcert package:

    # mac:
    brew install mkcert
    # windows:
    choco install mkcert

    More install options here.

    Then run the mkcert install script:

    mkcert -install

    Create the certs in your repo:

    yarn run setup:https
  2. Now you're ready to start:

    yarn run start

The start command will create and deploy a development build, and serve your local files.

After running the start command, navigate to your spreadsheet and open one of the menu items. It should now be serving your local files. When you make and save changes to your React app, your app will reload instantly within the Google Spreadsheet, and have access to any server-side functions!



🔍 Using React DevTools <a name="dev-tools"></a>

React DevTools is a tool that lets you inspect the React component hierarchies during development.

<details> <summary>Instructions for installing React DevTools</summary> <br/>

You will need to use the "standalone" version of React DevTools since our React App is running in an iframe (more details here).

  1. In your repo install the React DevTools package as a dev dependency:

    yarn add -D react-devtools
  2. In a new terminal window run npx react-devtools to launch the DevTools standalone app.

  3. Add <script src="http://localhost:8097"></script> to the top of your <head> in your React app, e.g. in the index.html file in the sample Bootstrap app.

  4. Deploy your app (yarn run deploy:dev) and you should see DevTools tool running and displaying your app hierarchy.

    <img width="100%" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31550519/110273600-ee9eae80-7f9a-11eb-9796-31353b47dfa8.gif">
  5. Don't forget to remove the <script> tag before deploying to production.

</details> <br/>

⛏️ Usage <a name = "Usage"></a>

The included sample app

The included sample app allows inserting/activating/deleting sheets through a simple HTML dialog, built with React. This simple app demonstrates how a React app can interact with the underlying Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script functions.

The included sample app has five menu items that demonstrate how to load pages in various dialogs and sidebars. Sample implementations using different component libraries are included.

Access the dialogs through the new menu item that appears. You may need to refresh the spreadsheet and approve the app's permissions the first time you use it.

Note that if you are choosing to use one framework, for example Tailwind, for your project, it is advisable to remove the dependencies for the other component libraries.

<details> <summary>Here are some steps to take to clean up the repo if you are only using a single library</summary>
  1. Uninstall unneeded dependencies (yarn remove react-bootstrap ... etc.)

  2. Remove the unneeded menu bar items from the server code.

  3. Remove the unneeded client code.

  4. Update the clientEntrypoints in the vite config file to only target the relevant apps.

<br/> </details> </br>


This project is built mainly with typescript but also supports Javascript, and examples of both are included here, both in server-side and client-side (React) code. The included sample app has a typescript example using the Bootstrap component library.

To use typescript, simply use a typescript extension in either the client code (.ts/.tsx) or the server code (.ts), and your typescript file will compile to the proper format.

For client-side code, see FormInput.tsx in the Bootstrap demo for an example file. Note that it is okay to have a mix of javascript and typescript, as seen in the Bootstrap demo.

To use typescript in server code, just change the file extension to .ts. The server-side code already utilizes type definitions for Google Apps Script APIs.

A basic typescript configuration is used here that correctly transpiles to code that is compatible with Google Apps Script. However, if you want more control over your setup you can modify the included tsconfig.json file.

Adding packages

You can add packages to your client-side React app.

For instance, install react-transition-group:

yarn add react-transition-group

Important: Since Google Apps Scripts projects don't let you easily reference external files, this project will bundle an entire app into one HTML file. If you are importing large libraries this can result in a large file. To help reduce the size of these large HTML files, you can try to externalize packages by using a CDN to load packages. For packages that can be loaded through a CDN (usually they will have a UMD build), you can configure the externals and globals details in the vite config file. You will also need to include a script element in the head of the index.html file, loading the library from a CDN, and making sure it supports a UMD build, e.g. <script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react-transition-group@4.4.2/dist/react-transition-group.min.js"></script>.

If set up properly, this will load packages from the CDN in production and will reduce your overall bundle size.

Make sure that you update the script tag with the same version of the package you are installing with yarn, so that you are using the same version in development and production.


By default this project supports global CSS stylesheets. Make sure to import your stylesheet in your entrypoint file index.js:

import './styles.css';

Many external component libraries require a css stylesheet in order to work properly. You can import stylesheets in the HTML template, as shown here with the Bootstrap stylesheet.

Modifying scopes

The included app only requires access to Google Spreadsheets and to loading dialog windows. If you make changes to the app's requirements, for instance, if you modify this project to work with Google Forms or Docs, make sure to edit the oauthScopes in the appscript.json file.

See https://developers.google.com/apps-script/manifest for information on the appsscript.json structure.

Calling server-side Google Apps Script functions

This project uses the gas-client package to more easily call server-side functions using promises.

// Google's client-side google.script.run utility requires calling server-side functions like this:
  .withSuccessHandler((response) => doSomething(response))
  .withFailureHandler((err) => handleError(err))

// Using gas-client we can use more familiar promises style like this:
import Server from 'gas-client';
const { serverFunctions } = new Server();

// We now have access to all our server functions, which return promises!
  .then((response) => doSomething(response))
  .catch((err) => handleError(err));

// Or with async/await:
async () => {
  try {
    const response = await serverFunctions.addSheet(sheetTitle);
  } catch (err) {

In development, gas-client will allow you to call server-side functions from your local environment. In production, it will use Google's underlying google.script.run utility.


This project includes support for autocompletion and complete type definitions for Google Apps Script methods.

autocomplete support

All available methods from the Google Apps Script API are shown with full definitions and links to the official documentation, plus information on argument, return type and sample code.


✍️ Authors <a name = "authors"></a>

See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


🎉 Acknowledgements <a name = "acknowledgement"></a>

Part of this project has been adapted from apps-script-starter, a great starter project for server-side projects (license here).