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Fast, parallel, cross-{patch,compiler}-variant ROP/JOP gadget search for x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) binaries. Uses the iced-x86 disassembler library.

This crate can be used as a CLI binary (Windows/Linux/MacOS) or a library (7 well-known dependencies, all Rust).


Install the CLI tool and show its help menu:

cargo install xgadget --features cli-bin    # Build on host (pre-req: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)
xgadget --help                              # List available command line options

How do ROP and JOP code reuse attacks work?

<p style="text-align: center;" align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tnballo/high-assurance-rust/main/src/chp4/exploit_rop_model.svg" width="60%" alt="rop model"> <figure style="text-align:center;"> </figure> </p> <p align="center"> <i><b>ROP</b> Attack Model (recreated from:<a href="https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~liangzk/papers/asiaccs11.pdf"> Bletsch et. al.</a>)</i> </p> <p style="text-align: center;" align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tnballo/high-assurance-rust/main/src/chp4/exploit_jop_model.svg" width="100%" alt="jop model"> <figure style="text-align:center;"> </figure> </p> <p align="center"> <i><b>JOP</b> Attack Model (recreated from:<a href="https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~liangzk/papers/asiaccs11.pdf"> Bletsch et. al.</a>)</i> </p>


xgadget is a tool for Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) and Jump-Oriented Programming (JOP) exploit development. It's a fast, multi-threaded alternative to awesome tools like ROPGadget, Ropper, and rp.

The goal is supporting practical usage while simultaneously exploring unique and experimental features. To the best of our knowledge, xgadget is the first gadget search tool to be:

  1. Full-match - Same instruction sequence, same program counter: gadget fully re-usable. Example:
    • Gadget: pop rdi; ret;
    • Address (in all binaries): 0xc748d
<p style="text-align: center;" align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/entropic-security/xgadget/main/img/xgadget_all_match.svg" width="70%" alt="full match"> <figure style="text-align:center;"> </figure> </p> <p align="center"> <i>Cross-variant <b>Full Match</b></i> </p>
  1. Partial-match - Same instruction sequence, different program counter: gadget logic portable. Example:
    • Gadget: pop rdi; ret;
    • Address in bin_v1.1: 0xc748d
    • Address in bin_v1.2: 0xc9106
<p style="text-align: center;" align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/entropic-security/xgadget/main/img/xgadget_addr_match.svg" width="70%" alt="partial match"> <figure style="text-align:center;"> </figure> </p> <p align="center"> <i>Cross-variant <b>Partial Match</b></i> </p>

Other features include:

CLI Examples

Run xgadget --help to enumerate available options.

xgadget /usr/bin/sudo --reg-only --reg-overwrite rdi
xgadget /usr/bin/sudo --rop --reg-overwrite rdi --reg-no-read rsi rdx --bad-bytes 0x32 0x0d
xgadget /usr/bin/sudo --jop --reg-pop --att --max-len 10
xgadget /usr/bin/sudo --regex-filter "^(?:pop)(?:.*(?:pop))*.*(?:call|jmp)" --att --max-len 10
xgadget /usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/lighttpd --check-sec
xgadget /usr/sbin/lighttpd --symbols

API Usage

Find gadgets:

use xgadget::{Binary, SearchConfig};

let max_gadget_len = 5;

// Search single binary
let bin = &[Binary::from_path("/path/to/bin_v1").unwrap()];
let gadgets =
    xgadget::find_gadgets(bin, max_gadget_len, SearchConfig::default()).unwrap();
let stack_pivot_gadgets = xgadget::filter_stack_pivot(gadgets);

// Search for cross-variant gadgets, including partial matches
let search_config = SearchConfig::default() | SearchConfig::PART;
let bins = &[
let cross_gadgets =
    xgadget::find_gadgets(bins, max_gadget_len, search_config).unwrap();
let cross_reg_pop_gadgets = xgadget::filter_reg_pop_only(cross_gadgets);

Custom filters can be created using the GadgetAnalysis object and/or functions from the semantics module. How the above filter_stack_pivot function is implemented:

use rayon::prelude::*;
use iced_x86;
use xgadget::{Gadget, GadgetAnalysis};

/// Parallel filter to gadgets that write the stack pointer
pub fn filter_stack_pivot<'a, P>(gadgets: P) -> P
    P: IntoParallelIterator<Item = Gadget<'a>> + FromParallelIterator<Gadget<'a>>,
        .filter(|g| {
            let regs_overwritten = g.analysis().regs_overwritten(true);
            if regs_overwritten.contains(&iced_x86::Register::RSP)
                || regs_overwritten.contains(&iced_x86::Register::ESP)
                || regs_overwritten.contains(&iced_x86::Register::SP)
                return true;
<!--- TODO: add back later ### CLI Build and Install (Recommended) Build a dynamically-linked binary from source and install it locally: ```bash cargo install xgadget --features cli-bin # Build on host (pre-req: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) ``` ### CLI Binary Releases for Linux Commits to this repo's `main` branch automatically run integration tests and build a statically-linked binary for 64-bit Linux. You can [download it here](https://github.com/entropic-security/xgadget/releases) to try out the CLI immediately, instead of building from source. Static binaries for Windows may also be supported in the future. Unfortunately the statically-linked binary is several times slower on an i7-9700K, likely due to the built-in memory allocator for target `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`. So building a dynamically-linked binary from source with the above `cargo install` command is *highly* recommended for performance (links against your system's allocator). --->

Why No Chain Generation?

Tools that attempt to automate ROP/JOP chain generation require heavyweight analysis - typically symbolic execution of an intermediate representation. This works well for small binaries and CTF problems, but tends to be error-prone and difficult to scale for large, real-world programs. At present, xgadget has a different goal: enable an expert user to manually craft stable exploits by providing fast, accurate gadget discovery.

Yeah, but can it do 10 OS kernels under 10 seconds?! Repeatable Benchmark Harness

To build a Docker container and connect to it:

user@host$ git clone git@github.com:entropic-security/xgadget.git
user@host$ cd xgadget
user@host$ docker build -t xgadget_bench_container .
user@host$ docker run -it xgadget_bench_container

The final build step runs ./benches/bench_setup_ubuntu.sh. This script downloads and builds 10 consecutive Linux kernels (versions 5.0.1 to 5.0.10 - with x86_64_defconfig). Grab a coffee, it can take a while.

Once it's done, run cargo bench to search all 10 kernels for common gadgets (among other benchmarks):

root@container:/xgadget# cargo bench

On an i7-9700K (8C/8T, 3.6GHz base, 4.9 GHz max) machine with gcc version 8.4.0: the average runtime, to process all ten 54MB kernels simultaneously with a max gadget length of 5 instructions and full-match search for all gadget types (ROP, JOP, and syscall gadgets), is only 6.3 seconds! Including partial matches as well takes just 7.9 seconds.

Fast Exploit Similarity Score (FESS)

The --fess flag uses cross-variant gadget matching as a metric of binary similarity. It's an experiment in anti-diversification for exploitation. To view similarity scores for kernel versions 5.0.1, 5.0.5, and 5.0.10 within the container:

root@container# cd ./benches/kernels/
root@container# xgadget vmlinux-5.0.1 vmlinux-5.0.5 vmlinux-5.0.10 --fess
TARGET 0 - [ name: 'vmlinux-5.0.1' | fmt-arch: ELF-X64 | entry: 0x00000001000000 | exec bytes/segments: 21,065,728/2 ]
TARGET 1 - [ name: 'vmlinux-5.0.5' | fmt-arch: ELF-X64 | entry: 0x00000001000000 | exec bytes/segments: 21,069,824/2 ]
TARGET 2 - [ name: 'vmlinux-5.0.10' | fmt-arch: ELF-X64 | entry: 0x00000001000000 | exec bytes/segments: 21,069,824/2 ]

│ Gadget Type │ vmlinux-5.0.1 (base) │ vmlinux-5.0.5 (diff) │ vmlinux-5.0.10 (diff) │
│  ROP (full) │              108,380 │        7,351 (6.78%) │           556 (0.51%) │
│  ROP (part) │                    - │      80,783 (74.54%) │       78,053 (72.02%) │
│  JOP (full) │               79,685 │        1,007 (1.26%) │           276 (0.35%) │
│  JOP (part) │                    - │      16,458 (20.65%) │       12,461 (15.64%) │
│  SYS (full) │                8,276 │          422 (5.10%) │           119 (1.44%) │
│  SYS (part) │                    - │       4,317 (52.16%) │        3,864 (46.69%) │

Note these totals exclude low-quality gadgets (use --all flag to include). In the output table, we see that up to 72.02% of individual ROP gadgets, and 15.64% of JOP gadgets, are portable across all three versions (counting partial matches).


This project started as an optimized solution to Chapter 8, exercise 3 of "Practical Binary Analysis" by Dennis Andreisse (affiliate link), and builds on the design outlined therein.

Related Resource

Free book about software assurance: https://highassurance.rs/

License and Contributing

Licensed under the MIT license. Contributions are welcome!