


Kai Nakamura, Sharon Levy, and William Yang Wang. 2020. r/Fakeddit: A New Multimodal Benchmark Dataset for Fine-grained Fake News Detection

Website: https://fakeddit.netlify.app/

Codalab Competition: https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/25337

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.03854

Our lab: http://nlp.cs.ucsb.edu/index.html

Getting Started

Follow the instructions to download the dataset. You can download text, metadata, comment data, and image data.

Note that released test set is public. Private test set is used for leaderboard (coming soon).

Please read the Usage section. It is important.

Please let us know if you encounter any problems by opening an issue or by directly contacting us.


Download text and metadata

Please read the USAGE section before using or downloading. Download the v2.0 dataset from here

Download image data

Option 1: (RECOMMENDED) Download the images here.

Option 2: The *.tsv dataset files have an image_url column which contain the image urls. You can use the URLs to download the images.

For convenience, we have provided a script which will download the images for you. Please follow the instructions if you would like to use the attached script.

Fork or clone this repository and install required python libraries

$ git clone https://github.com/entitize/Fakeddit
$ cd Fakeddit
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy image_downloader.py to the same directory/folder as where you downloaded the tsv files.

Run image_downloader.py in the new directory/folder

$ python image_downloader.py file_name

Download comment data

Download the comment data from here


Please note that results in the paper are based on multimodal samples only (samples that have both text and image). In our paper, only samples that have both image and text were used for the baseline experiments and error analysis. Thus, if you would like to compare against the results in the paper, use the samples in the multimodal_only_samples folder.

If there are Unnamed... columns, you can ignore or get rid of them. Use the clean_title column to get filtered text data.

comments.tsv consists of comments made by Reddit users on submissions in the entire released dataset. Use the submission_id column to identify which submission the comment is associated with. Note that one submission can have zero, one, or multiple comments.