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Silence censorship. Automate the effect.

The Internet can be a little unfair. It's way too easy for ISPs, telecoms, politicians, and corporations to block access to the sites and information that you care about. But breaking through these restrictions is tough. Or is it?

Introducing Streisand

More Features

<a name="services-provided"></a> Services Provided


Please read all installation instructions carefully before proceeding.

Important Clarification

Streisand is based on Ansible, an automation tool that is typically used to provision and configure files and packages on remote servers. Streisand automatically sets up another remote server with the VPN packages and configuration.

Streisand will spin up and deploy another server on your chosen hosting provider when you run on your home machine (e.g. your laptop). Usually, you do not run Streisand on the remote server as by default this would result in the deployment of another server from your server and render the first server redundant (whew!).

In some circumstances advanced users may opt to use the local provisioning mode to have the system running Streisand/Ansible configure itself as a Streisand server. This is a configuration mode best reserved for when it isn't possible to install Ansible on your home machine or when your connection to a cloud provider is too unreliable for Ansible's SSH connections.


Complete all of these tasks on your local home machine.


  1. Clone the Streisand repository and enter the directory.

    git clone https://github.com/jlund/streisand.git && cd streisand

    Or clone from the external mirror if GitHub is blocked.

    git clone https://area51.threeletter.agency/mirrors/streisand.git && cd streisand
  2. Execute the Streisand script.

  3. Follow the prompts to choose your provider, the physical region for the server, and its name. You will also be asked to enter API information.

  4. Once login information and API keys are entered, Streisand will begin spinning up a new remote server.

  5. Wait for the setup to complete (this usually takes around ten minutes) and look for the corresponding files in the 'generated-docs' folder in the Streisand repository directory. The HTML file will explain how to connect to the Gateway over SSL, or via the Tor hidden service. All instructions, files, mirrored clients, and keys for the new server can then be found on the Gateway. You are all done!

Running Streisand to Provision Localhost (Advanced)

If you can not run Streisand in the normal manner (running from your client home machine/laptop to configure a remote server) Streisand supports a local provisioning mode. Simply choose "Localhost (Advanced)" from the menu after running ./streisand.

Note: Running Streisand against localhost can be a destructive action! You will be potentially overwriting configuration files and must be certain that you are affecting the correct machine.

Running Streisand on Other Providers (Advanced)

You can also run Streisand on a new Ubuntu 16.04 server. Dedicated hardware? Great! Esoteric cloud provider? Awesome! To do so, simply choose "Existing Server (Advanced)" from the menu after running ./streisand and provide the IP address of the existing server when prompted.

The server must be accessible using the $HOME/id_rsa SSH Key, and root is used as the connecting user by default. If your provider requires you to SSH with a different user than root (e.g. ubuntu) specify the ANSIBLE_SSH_USER environmental variable (e.g. ANSIBLE_SSH_USER=ubuntu) when you run ./streisand.

Note: Running Streisand against an existing server can be a destructive action! You will be potentially overwriting configuration files and must be certain that you are affecting the correct machine.

Upcoming Features

If there is something that you think Streisand should do, or if you find a bug in its documentation or execution, please file a report on the Issue Tracker.

Core Contributors


Jason A. Donenfeld deserves a lot of credit for being brave enough to reimagine what a modern VPN should look like and for coming up with something as good as WireGuard. He has our sincere thanks for all of his patient help and high-quality feedback.

We are grateful to Trevor Smith for his massive contributions. He suggested the Gateway approach, provided tons of invaluable feedback, made everything look better, and developed the HTML template that served as the inspiration to take things to the next level before Streisand's public release.

Huge thanks to Paul Wouters of The Libreswan Project for his generous help troubleshooting the L2TP/IPsec setup.

Starcadian's 'Sunset Blood' album was played on repeat approximately 300 times during the first few months of work on the project in early 2014.