

Managed Injector

This project implements a .NET Assembly injection library (it is inspired by the <a href="https://github.com/cplotts/snoopwpf">snoopwpf</a> project). The remote process can be a managed or unmanaged one.



When you want to inject an assembly in a remote process you have to consider the following aspects:

If the above pre-conditions are satisfied you can inject an assembly and invoke an activation method. There are three possibilities to invoke the activation method:

This library is also used by <a href="https://github.com/enkomio/shed">Shed</a> to inject a DLL in a remote process. You can see a video <a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/enkomio/media/master/Shed/Injection.gif">here</a>.

For practical examples see the <a href="https://github.com/enkomio/ManagedInjector/blob/master/Src/Examples/TestRunner/Program.cs">TestRunner project</a>.

Adding dependencies

If the injected assembly has any dependencies on not standard .NET assemblies, you can add those dependencies with the AddDependency method.

Adding external files

If the injected assembly needs to load some external file in order to work correctly (like a configuration file) you can specify them with the AddFile method. This method will copy the specified file in the working directory of the injected process.

Passing an argument to the Inject method

In some case is necessary to pass an argument to the method called in the injected assembly. This is achieved by passing a context object to the Inject method. Then, the Injected method needs to cast the context object to the real type (see AssemblyWithMethodAcceptingAnArgument for an example). The framework uses the BinaryFormatter class to serialize the context object, so be sure that the specified object can be serialized.


Let's consider the following code:

using System;

namespace InjectedAssembly
    public class Main
        // we use a default injection method name in order to execute our code in the remote process
        private static void Inject()
            Console.WriteLine("Hello world from the injected process!");

in order to inject the Assembly generated from the above code it is enough to use the following code:

var pid = 1234;
var injector = new Injector(pid, Assembly.LoadFile("AssemblyToInject.dll"));
var injectionResult = injector.Inject();

For more examples have a look at the <a href="https://github.com/enkomio/ManagedInjector/tree/master/Src/Examples">example folder</a>.


ManagedInjector is currently developed by using VisualStudio 2017 Community Edition (be sure to have the latest version installed). To build the source code be sure you have to:


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



Managed Injector is licensed under the Creative Commons.