things that don't deserve their own repo
mirrored on git-ssb at ssb://%peZat1oevgpj9Irwc/lToAh9pm5TiGsxM/MRM04RV4U=.sha256
Text generation or manipulation:
- apply mapping created by buildVowelSubstitutionMap
- create a random mapping of vowels
- random Cards Against Humanity question card, with a random Jeopardy answer filled in
- given a text file input, generate a tracery grammar that is a first order markov model of that file
- junogenmo-2016: Auxiliary National Novel Genration Month 2016
- junogenmo-2018: Auxiliary National Novel Genration Month 2018
- nanogenmo-2016: National Novel Generation Month 2016
- nanogenmo-2017: National Novel Generation Month 2017
- nanogenmo-2018: National Novel Generation Month 2018
- napogenmo2017: National Poetry Generation Month 2017
- phrasechain: like a markov chain for phrases
- grammar for generating a SCP wiki entry
- introduce typos
- verbal_inarticulations.json: a tracery grammar for filler words
- apply and also inject verbal inarticulations
- use wordnet to semantically shift one text stream by another
- colorByTF: produce an html document where the opacity of each word corresponds to its frequency (as a proxy for information content)
Novelty aggregators:
- download random startup autopsy
- random Cards Against Humanity pairing
- random Jeopardy question/answer pair
- tool to dump the semi-official memebomb database
- memebombs.json: tracery grammar containing a dump of the semi-official memebomb database
- download seminars on long-term thinking
- salt.txt: list of seminars on long-term thinking
- random simile
- Holzertron: generate a Barbara Kreuger style image macro with a Jenny Holzer slogan (or one based on a different template)
Pretty pictures:
- ncgopher: curses-based gopher client
- stupidrss: the stupidest possible RSS reader: parse feeds with regex & dump the links to stdout using w3m
- nam: fall back from 'man' to other sources of documentation, like 'info', and eventually to wikipedia
- scrambleExif: scramble or falsify EXIF data like date and geolocation
- fake-mvgen: create a new video track for a given audio track by picking random clips from a video corpus & applying random effects to them
- pick an arg at random
- turn an epub into a text file
- download a playlist from youtube with helpful numbering
- simple shell routines for taking short notes
- simple shell routines for handling an archive of URLs (similar to a bookmarking service like postboard)
- post: a tool to post short strings to multiple microblogging services at once
- tpost: when posting to twitter, break long messages into threads
- ssb-digest: post a message to secure scuttlebutt with the links added with that day
- randlinkd: daemon to periodically post previously-archived links
- unpopular-posts-only.user.js: greasemonkey script to hide tumblr posts with too many notes
- update everything in the directory checked out with git or svn
- set a parameter that sometimes causes transmission to fail to work with certain tracker/CDN combinations
Games (in progress):
- Book of the Damned: taking place during the events of Manna for our Malices, this game follows young telepath Yumeji Misato as she is moved to a group home in Yomiyama by the leader of a UFO cult & deals with new friends, new enemies, and you, the player.
- Trilogy: after the events of Manna for our Malices and Book of the Damned, Akagi Ai and her friends get stuck in the rain with Yumeji Misato and Bruno Akane, and they tell ghost stories in this short non-interactive VN.
- Blood Ocean: a painter discovers that the dream-enhancing street drug Blood Ocean is not what it seems.
- medium-export: archive of my medium posts
- lordenki: a backup of my website
- this file
- ds-lib: small python libraries for data structures or algorithms for which there are no readily-available open source implementations easily understood by beginners
- kamui: composable UI project in io, with 'senketsu' io interpreter in go
- mtv: Minimal Transliterature Viewer -- a hypertext project on top of IPFS
- vidsort: sort a video by frame similarity and reencode
- wokebroke.txt: a list of dictionary words that rhyme with 'woke' and 'broke'
- fortunes: various fortune databases
- templates: various tracery templates
- yabot: Yet Another irc chatBot
- [Manna for our Malices](Manna for our Malices): Manna for our Malices
- fern: fern